Spring / Summer 2018
Ferndale Friends Spring and Summer 2018 Edition

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Photos By: John Rivard, David Ryals & Bernie Laframboise

ON SATURDAY, MARCH 31ST, FERNDALE HOSTED OUR OWN MARCH FOR OUR LIVES EVENT. It was organized and headed by Progressive Youth Assembly and Mya Riccardi, a local activist and Wayne State University student. Despite inclement weather, the event brought dozens of activists out to march down 9 Mile from Affirmations to Geary Park. Most notable among the attendees were Mayor David Coulter and State Representative Robert Wittenberg.

The theme of the march was “Where Do We Go From Here?” and it focused on the change people can make as citizens in the wake of the recent mass-shooting tragedies now tragically commonplace in America. Riccardi sat down with Ferndale Friends for an exclusive interview about the event and the effect it had.

When asked what made her decide to lead the march Mya said, “The march is being led by four students: myself, Nolan Handyside, Sarah O’Donnell and Alex Lawrence. We created this march because we believe that there needs to be more effective gun laws put into place in our country.

All four of us have lived in Ferndale our whole lives. We feel so lucky to live in this accepting and progressive city, and we have learned that this is a great place to stimulate change. The residents of Ferndale have shown unwavering support to its youth and students in the past, something that cannot always be said about other cities. So, by planning this march, we are not only doing it for ourselves but rather for the students elsewhere in the country who are not as encouraged to have a voice on this matter.”

“The four of us were a part of a group called Progressive Youth Assembly last year. The group died out over the Summer, but about a month before the shooting in Parkland, Florida we had actually discussed trying to get the group back together. Then one afternoon, about a week after the Parkland shooting, Sarah and Alex got this seemingly crazy idea to plan a march, and asked Nolan and I if we would be interested in joining them with the planning.”

Along with planning came a set of goals. Riccardi said, “Our aim was to bring more awareness to the subject, and to educate others on what they can do to keep our efforts going.

We want people to know this is not something we are going to forget. Also, we purposely held this march a week later than the national march (March 24th) because we wanted to theme it Where Do We Go From Here? We had multiple tables set up including Ferndale Democrats, Mothering Justice, and Mothers Demand Gun Sense in America. We also had a voter registration table. We wanted to show residents what they could do after the march to continue our efforts to create more effective gun laws.”

In regards to the future, Riccardi said, “As of right now our group is going to focus on gaining more members and being more involved with the community of Ferndale. We plan to recruit more high school students, in hopes that they bring in fresh ideas for future events. With each event we hold, we hope to further educate people on what they can do to make their voices heard.”

The national wave of March For Our Lives events was a titanic success. The future looks bright for sensible gun-law changes because of efforts made by moral and conscientious citizens. To quote the poet and rock star Patti Smith: “People have the power to wrestle the earth from fools. It’s decreed the people rule. We have the power.”

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By Sara E. Teller

THERE WERE SEVERAL SCHOOL THREATS MADE IN MICHIGAN IN THE WEEKS FOLLOWING THE ATTACK AT MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL IN PARKLAND, FLORIDA. Nineteen-year-old Nickolas Cruz, who had been expelled from the district, opened fire and ended the lives of seventeen people.

A good many of the threats administrators have witnessed in Michigan’s schools are taking place in and around the Ferndale area, and some feel these issues are more prevalent than ever before.

“I don’t know if they are becoming more prevalent, or we’re just more aware of them,” said Bill Good, Director of School Communications and Pupil Services for the Ferndale School District. “Everyone may just be on pins and needles following the Florida attack, and perhaps we’re more sensitive to them. As a father myself, I know I’m worried.”

Good said Ferndale school officials met with the City’s Chief of Police, Timothy Collins, following the Florida shooting to review current school safety policies in Ferndale specifically and make adjustments where needed. One of the topics regarding the Florida shooting which has gained nationwide attention is the voluntary resignation of school resource officer Deputy Scot Peterson. Peterson was armed and ready at the high school but admitted to failing to take action to prevent Cruz from opening fire. “Our school resource officer and Chief Collins met to discuss what lessons could be learned from the attacks, and to review training procedures and drills,” Good said. “Our resource officer is stationed at the school at all times and is prepared to respond if needed.”

Good was reluctant to talk about specific action items that came out of the meeting with law enforcement due to concerns that sensitive information would be put into the wrong hands. “We don’t want to give anyone thinking of doing something this horrific the playbook. There are a lot of things we do behind the scenes, and we’re asking the community to trust us. I realize that’s asking a lot, but they need to know they can put their trust in us.”

GOOD ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THERE SEEMS to have been a notable uptick in threats following the Marjory Stoneman incident, and he mentioned that a number of area schools received what administrators refer to as “nonspecific anonymous threats” around the same time, including those in Warren, Detroit, Ferndale, and Oak Park, among others. “We recently received such a threat and there were many others in the area that experienced something similar. Unfortunately, we cannot release the details,” he said.

There were a record number of threats in general reported in the state’s schools during the month of February, with a total of 670 reports made – some credible, some not. Law enforcement works closely with the schools to investigate every threat made in order to determine the level of severity and whether to pursue criminal charges against those responsible.

“There is certainly an undercurrent going on,” Good said of concerns regarding gun violence and promoting public awareness. “However, it is my understanding that there tends to be an uptick in threats immediately following a well-publicized incident. Then they subside. It’s pattern-like.”

A number of public forums regarding gun violence and the promotion of school safety have popped up in and around the Metro Detroit area. State representatives, congressional leaders, teachers, law enforcement officials, gun safety activists, parents, and students are all meeting to talk through their concerns at these forums, which are primarily designed to better educate the public.

Recently, State Representative Robert Wittenberg conducted such an event in coordination with Moms Demand Action.

“It’s all about creating an open dialogue centered around what we’re seeing and what we can do about it,” Good said. “And, it’s important that we get the message out there – if you see something, say something. There are a number of things we’re prepared to do to address potential threats, but we can’t do anything if we don’t know about them.”

Good added of the response the district has received from residents, “We really appreciate the continued support we’ve received from our parents with students in Ferndale schools, and are impressed with the passion the community has shown for ensuring safety and security in our schools.” His mission is to reassure parents and students that Ferndale is taking this very seriously, and that the district has put precautionary measures into place to safeguard against any violence. “We share as much information as we can as quickly as we can, and we are doing everything possible to eliminate threats.”

Any safety concerns in Ferndale schools should be immediately reported to the administrative office at 248.586.8652. Bill Good can be reached directly at 248.586.8672 or bill.good@ferndaleschools.org.

By Peter Were

ON THE MEDIAN STRIP, WHERE NINE MILE ROAD CROSSES WOODWARD, there stands a replica of The Crow’s Nest, a high platform on which a vigilant traffic cop stood a hundred years ago, duty-ready to control the even-then heavy volume of cars. He was replaced in 1924, when electric traffic lights were installed and the road widened.

The Crow’s Nest presence speaks to the early realization of the deadly potential of these machines that are such an important part of our lives. Incredible safety improvements have been installed in the last 100 years, but getting safely from one spot to a destination can still be challenging.

Between cell phones usage (even hands-free), texting, tuning the radio, smoking, eating, farding (look it up), talking to other people in the car, different levels of impairment – and now the greatest distraction, the in-dash screen that looks like the controls of a jetliner – it’s amazing that our roads aren’t more like amusement park bumper car rides than they are. Add speed and one-ton plus vehicles and it’s no wonder our cars are so lethal.

SUPPOSEDLY, THESE DANGERS WILL ALL DISAPPEAR when the controls are taken away from us fallible humans and navigation becomes an automated process by an artificial intelligence that does only what it’s designed to do — drive!

Oops! Not so infallible.

Seems like HAL screwed up a little in March of this year, when Elaine Herzberg became the first pedestrian killed by a self-driving car after being hit by an Uber test vehicle in Tempe, Arizona. In 2016, a Tesla test driver was killed in the first fatality involving a self-driving car while watching a Harry Potter movie at the time of the crash.

These incidents echo the early deadly history of internal combustion-engine-driven vehicles. In 1896, Bridget Driscoll became the first auto fatality when she was struck by an Anglo-French Motor Car traveling at four miles-per-hour, as it was giving demonstration rides at London’s Crystal Palace. And, in 1899, Englishman Edwin Sewell was the first driver fatality when he was thrown from his vehicle and killed.

From those early beginnings, the slaughter on the roads commenced with a fury. According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, today, 1.3 million people a year die in crashes world-wide. An additional 20-50 million are injured. Accidents, they report, cost the world a half trillion dollars a year.

What is the total number of deaths since poor Bridget got hit at the Crystal Palace? It’s hard to find a figure, but one can assume it’s in the tens of millions. That and the other lethal invention—the gun—has produced such a pile of corpses that one can almost view the two machines as population control! Plus, the auto figures do not factor in deaths resulting from pollution created from refining and burning petroleum products.

JUST AS WE TOLERATE THE SLAUGHTER CREATED BY GUNS, so do we with our cars. Just as many people love their guns, so do others of us express affection for what we drive. Queen sang, “I’m in love with my car; gotta’ feel for my automobile.” The murderous nature of guns is known to all. It’s their express purpose. Cars are supposed to take us from one place to another without racking up a huge toll in human lives and property damage. However, the blood and destruction autos create is, in a sense, a public secret. Everyone is aware of it. It’s like living in an earthquake zone.

Most of us know someone who has been either killed or badly injured in an automobile accident. We have to pay thousands of dollars to insure our-selves against the death and damage we anticipate, so those destructive and deadly incidents aren’t really accidents at all. U.S. insurance companies know that close to 37,000 people a year will die in car crashes, hundreds of thousands will be critically injured, and billions in property damage will occur. They expect this and plan accordingly in terms of insurance rates charged and the payouts which will be required.

THE SAME IS TRUE WITH GUNS. We know there will be about 35,000 U.S. gun deaths in a given year, with 100,000 wounded. As mass shootings become the norm, schools, businesses, arenas, and concert halls make preparations for the next one.

The Ferndale Superintendent of Schools, Dania H. Bazzi, describes in her public talks the contingency plans the system has in place in the case of an active shooter situation. This is prudent given the proliferation of weapons and a culture of rage which combine to assure that these incidents will continue. It’s not a matter of if, but where and when.

How do we combat the toll these machines exact from us? Unfortunately, it’s not clear whether solutions exist. The toothpaste is out of the tube. We can’t get it back in. Our whole culture has the expectation and necessity of unlimited, rapid mobility. And, you know what the gun people say about their guns and their “cold, dead hands.”

We’ve done everything possible to make driving safer and still the death and injury toll is horrendous. We’ll probably look back on the period before self-driving cars were perfected as madness. Can you imagine trying to patent a machine today that creates a toll of death, injury, and property damage as it exists? “This is a great little machine, but it will kill and injure 125,000 people a year and cause billions of dollars in property damage.” Patent denied!

Guns? They offer only marginal utility as far as protection, but you can’t convince a gun owner of that no matter what the overwhelming statistics show. The Michigan counties with the highest percentage of concealed weapons permits are smaller, rural ones where residents brag about not having to lock their doors, so guns are more often a masculine totem or a hedge against the fear induced by watching the wrong cable news network, than actually providing protection.

In fact, if a gun-toting suburbanite really wanted to safeguard his family, rather than carrying a pistol with which he’s more apt to shoot himself or others rather than defend his loved ones, he would equip his passengers with NASCAR regulation helmets and flame-retardant suits.

SELF-DRIVING CARS – ONCE PERFECTED – MAY HELP, as would mass transit. Guns? There are 300 million of them out there including ten million AR-15s. While only a third of the population are gun owners, something like weapon confiscation isn’t a reality. Maybe we should all be issued Kevlar bullet-proof vests. Perhaps with those, self-driving cars, and NASCAR equipment, we’d be a little safer.

Sorry to joke about what produces so much tragedy, but this may be a classic case of laughing to keep from crying.

Peter Werbe is a member of Fifth Estate magazine’s editorial collective www.FifthEstate.org.


Story By: Sara E. Teller | Photos By: Bernie Laframboise


The first phase will include residential homes, while the second is still up in the air. The City has indicated, “The remaining acreage of the site, for which a formal proposal has not been developed, is proposed for a mixed-use configuration, generally meaning multiple buildings with an assortment of commercial, residential, and even potentially light industrial uses, mixed with public space and open space.”

This site has been vacant for several years. “The current owners, who purchased the property after demolition on site had occurred, explored possibilities for the site by engaging the Ferndale Public Schools District and current and former city staff, as well as reviewing the city’s Master Plan,” explained Jordan Twardy, City of Ferndale’s Community and Economic Development Director. “While the details of the project are still being finalized in response to community input, the current proposal calls for developing a 20-acre portion of the site which is roughly the portion from the border with Ferndale High School going south almost to Marie Street.”

The community input, which Twardy alluded to, hasn’t been all that positive. One of the primary concerns voiced by residents is the elimination of green space in favor of increasing Ferndale’s population density. According to the Master Plan, “a community-wide survey generated a lot of ideas for strengthening the connection between people and Ferndale’s open spaces, especially diversifying the programs offered through the Recreation Department, focusing on natural landscapes, and increasing the urban tree canopy throughout the city.” In other words, Ferndale residents prefer to preserve the city’s ‘green’ legacy. However, the expansive development would directly counter this goal.

“I got involved in the Pinecrest Holdings Development issue when I was part of a conversation with Councilman Dan Martin who was talking with a citizen during the first meeting of the relaunch of the Ferndale Area Democrats at the Loving Touch in March,” said Dave Cottrill. “In the conversation, I learned about the potential clear-cutting of the forest just south of Ferndale High School for a housing development.”

Cottrill added, “I contacted a friend who lives near the high school. She informed me of some of the issues of soil contamination, tree clear-cutting, moving chemical plume from the Ethyl site, and increased traffic. The amount of traffic speeding through our neighborhoods has been a concern of mine. Also, the Ferndale Rat Patrol is not in favor of new slab construction since rats like to live underneath concrete slabs.” Residents are also concerned about the plan for individual lots to be only 35 feet wide.

Twardy is eager to point out: “As long as the developers continue to pursue a PUD designation for this site, the City will work to ensure that as many trees as possible are preserved. A large determinant of this will be the requirements laid out by MDEQ for site remediation, but we are making accessible green, open space a priority for this project.

He said, “The proposed project calls for 70 single-family homes and 27 multi-family homes, as well as two clusters of publicly-accessible, preserved old-growth trees; and a greenway connector running along Pinecrest from the High School south, all the way to 8 Mile Road. The greenway is located within the privately-owned property but would be provided as a publicly accessible benefit.” Yet, many feel that replacing large trees which have been on the property for hundreds of years with an allotted percentage of smaller ones is not an acceptable solution.

RESIDENTS ARE ALSO CONCERNED THAT A LARGE NUMBER of new homes will mean increased traffic in an already congested area, and that there won’t be enough school space for families with children, especially since three of Ferndale’s schools were eliminated in recent years in favor of similar developments.

What’s more, the complex will eliminate Ferndale’s last site of relatively expansive open space and crowd out the neighboring high school.

The proposed single-family homes, which are set to start around $300,000, would have front porches and garages in the rear, either attached or detached. In addition, 19 townhouse-style homes would feature rear-entry two-car attached garages, and eight affordable, attached ranch-style homes would each feature 1,200 square feet of living space and two-car attached rear garages.

Ferndale resident Al Benchich said he and his neighbors are far less concerned with the specifics of home styles than they are about having homes constructed on this open space. “The present concern of residents is not the style of the homes. It’s that this is the last major piece of vacant property left in Ferndale,” he said.

With regard to the school situation, Twardy said, “The development as currently proposed will enable both new residents to come to the city as well as, potentially, existing residents to have the option of upgrading or downsizing into a newer home, as the project will have different sizes and types of housing available. This could certainly mean additional students for Ferndale Public Schools. [The school system] has told us that they have existing capacity to service the current population of students as well as any new students that come into the schools from this project.”

What is notably missing from the style specifics, however, if they must be discussed, are basements. The homes will sit instead on crawl spaces, and many believe there is a good reason for this. The site, formerly occupied by Hayes Lemmerz, an automotive wheel manufacturer, and chemical supplier Ethyl Corp., is largely contaminated with arsenic, lead, mercury, and other concerning chemicals. It is, therefore, what is commonly referred to as ‘brownfield.’ City policy encourages developers to achieve site plan approval from the Planning Commission before applying for incentives, such as a brownfield tax credit to off-set the rumored one-million-dollar cost of clearing out the contamination. Many wonder if the decision to eliminate basements stems from a fear of digging too deep and uncovering a need for an even pricier clean-up effort.

Residents have expressed the belief that tax incentives associated with drawing new business to the area is a primary driver for the project. Twardy commented: “We believe it will have a positive effect for employers, who view quality-of-life amenities and available housing as critical assets for recruiting and retaining talent to work in their companies. This project will also result in the significant benefit of cleaning up a highly contaminated piece of property, improving the environment for the surrounding neighborhood.”

PINECREST HOLDINGS LLC is pursuing Planned Unit Development approval for the site, and the current Master Plan specifically references the location as one for which approval might be sought. The plan reads, “The Hayes Lemmerz site is envisioned as a comprehensive mixed-use development, and its large size and adjacent uses present the opportunity to offer a range of potential uses, including light industrial, office, commercial, healthcare, recreation, and residential. A rezoning or use of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) may need to occur to accommodate the vision for future development.”

The plan goes on to suggest, “Redevelopment should also be cognizant of the existing site features, including mature tree stands that should be preserved as much as possible. With regard to Ferndale’s sustainability goals, this site should, at minimum, incorporate modern environmental standards for buildings, site design, and infrastructure and demonstrate a balance of densities, urban design features, and mitigation. Of course, sustainable design that goes beyond minimal standards is encouraged.” This has led residents to question what, if anything, is being incorporated into the current plans that would constitute as incorporating sustainability.

“PUD allows for projects that are innovative to go around zoning,” Benchich explained. With this in mind, one might expect green-oriented homes, perhaps with alternative energy resources, or an out-of-the-box development that would focus primarily on improving Ferndale’s community.

“There are these small homes somewhere out west where a whole community was constructed for homeless people, a sort of cottage industry, in which these residents can live and sell things, earn a living. That would be cool,” Benchich said. Why is the developer pursuing PUD approval rather than zoning the development as residential?

The City’s response, according to Twardy: “The entire site currently has two zoning classes; approximately ten acres of the site is residential, with the remainder industrial. The developers are pursuing Planned Unit Development approval for the site, which allows more flexibility in exchange for demonstrated public benefit. In this case, those benefits include the preservation of old growth trees and public greenway. Under traditional zoning, we cannot require those public benefits (though we do require the planting of new trees). As such, alternatives for the property as it is currently zoned might include ten acres of single-family residential, with the remainder of the site being developed as industrial, and without the ability to require public benefits on the property.”

The City also insists the project improves Ferndale’s overall landscape and increases neighboring home values solely for the fact that the area will be remediated. “Because the site is currently vacant and contaminated, the proposed improvements are likely to significantly improve the value of the project site, whose value affects the value of all the properties surrounding it. The 8 Mile corridor in particular has long suffered from negative perception issues that negatively affected home values near it, and we believe this project will significantly counter that issue,” explained Twardy.

THERE IS TALK, OF COURSE, OF INADEQUATE PARKING, especially with the proposed mixed-use development apparently stalled. Again, the City insists it is soliciting the public’s feedback. “The project as proposed provides the required amount of parking on site, which is adequate for residents and visitors. This requirement will be met even with any changes that are made to the project in response to public feedback,” said Twardy.

However, Benchich and his partner live approximately a quarter mile from the development site and they didn’t notice any apparent attempt to notify the public that meetings regarding the project were underway. “Ferndale is supposed to be a progressive town, one that really values public input. We found out about this by accident. Even the paper that the City puts out had no information,” Benchich said.

Twardy countered, “We have conducted direct mailings and email outreach to residents to disseminate information and will continue to do so. Addition-ally, by April 1, all environmental information we have on the site, as well as relevant contact information for questions, [was] made available on the city website and hard copies in the Ferndale Public Library. We will be posting project documents and updates online – in addition to mailings and emails to residents – at the City web site (click on a green button labeled “Current & Upcoming Projects”). To stay informed, please watch for official mailings and emails, and check the City web site. You can also reach out to Environmental Sustainability Planner Erin Quetell at equetell@ferndalemi.gov with any questions or concerns.”

As this tale unfolds, residents are also questioning whether the site constitutes as historic, given that the foundation of an earlier building left over from the “Ridge Road” days is still present on the land. This adds yet another level of complexity to the already growing list of public comment. Plans are moving forward, however, while the developer and City staff allegedly continue to consider the community’s input. Twardy said, “The major discussion points to date have focused on a need to understand the environmental conditions of the site and how those will be addressed; density, parking and traffic; the future of the southern portion of the site; and the importance of preserving as many old growth trees as possible. Each of these, and other concerns, are being addressed as the plan is modified and finalized in direct response to public input.”

TINA CO’S CUSTOMERS KNEW HER AND HER RESTAURANT WELL – almost as well as Co knew her customers. “If you came in and ordered the same thing at least twice, Tina knew your order,” said long-time friend Michael Mode. “And, then she would come up with a nickname for you.”

Co’s creation, China Ruby, was a quaint eatery located on W. 9 Mile with larger-than-life reviews from area residents and food critics alike. “I absolutely adored China Ruby, and Tina ran an amazing business,” said area resident Eddie Mulak. “The food and hospitality were fantastic. China Ruby will always hold a special place in my heart and memories.”

Mode worked two doors down when the restaurant’s doors opened for business 30 years ago, and he waltzed over to check it out. “…First met Tina back in 1988 on the day she opened China Ruby with Ken,” he said, referencing China Ruby’s long-time chef. “I worked two doors down at Romig Magic Shop, and we quickly became friends.” Many other Ferndalians followed his lead, heading over to check out what Mode affectionately called “this five-star hole in the wall” the day it opened, and before long a legend was born.

“It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I’ve eaten [there] a thousand times over the last 30 years. It was the best Chinese food, as the countless regulars would attest,” Mode said. “On the counter there would always be stacks of plastic bags. Carry outs. People dined there, and it had a huge carry-out business, too.” He even directed a famous customer of his to China Ruby for lunch. “Isaiah Thomas, the Pistons player, came into our store one day – he was a regular at the magic shop – and asked where he could grab a quick lunch,” Mode said. “I told him to check out China Ruby. Twenty-some years later, a friend of mine came to visit and we were going to go eat there. I told him about Isaiah Thomas and he didn’t believe me. We walked in and there he was, having dinner. He had become a regular just like everyone else.”

ASKED WHAT FERNDALIANS WOULD MISS MOST ABOUT CHINA RUBY now that it’s closed its doors, Mode said, “They’ll miss the restaurant, but I think the bigger loss is Tina. She had a photograph of her and Al Gore on the wall. She had one with Isaiah Thomas. She was just so friendly. Tina was one of those rare gems who treated customers like they were family. Everybody loved Tina.”

When Co first got the news she had cancer, Mode said, “She didn’t tell anyone. She didn’t talk about having cancer. It was truly a testament to the type of person she was. She didn’t want anyone to worry. And, she ran the restaurant until right before she passed, when she simply couldn’t any longer.”

Tina’s life outside of her restaurant was equally as exciting. She was always on the go. “She loved to go to the casino, and her favorite game was black jack,” Mode said. “She also loved to attend rock concerts and loved rocker fashion.”

Ferndale’s loss will be significant. “Tina was a great ambassador for the city and a great friend to people who came there. China Ruby brought in customers from all over the place,” Mode said. “I’ve eaten all over the world, and it had the best Chinese food, hands down. It was a destination restaurant. Some people who had been gone from the area for years would come back to visit whenever they were in town.”

Tina leaves behind her partner of 22 years, the famous sports writer Mike O’Hara. The location of the former China Ruby restaurant was recently sold, and a Middle Eastern restaurant is expected to open in its place in the near future.

Ferndale Education Foundation Annual Dinner & Auction
Pleasant Ridge Community Center
BREAK OUT THE HATS AND JOIN US for the FEF Dinner & Auction Derby Party! All proceeds from this event go to Ferndale Public Schools. Price $60.00 – includes strolling dinner and 3 beer or wine tickets plus entertainment. Auction by Sabin the DragQueen (and guest) and music by DJ Zhao-Ski. 21+ (Themed attire not required but it is encouraged. Tickets: https://fefoundation.wixsite.com/fefoundation. Thank you for your continued support of Ferndale Public Schools!

Ferndale Upper Elementary Talent Show
FERNDALE UPPER ELEMENTARY (FUEL) is proud to present the 2018 talent show, “FUEL’s Got Talent!” on Saturday, April 28th at 6pm in the Ferndale High School auditorium. The students are all revved up and eager to perform their hearts out for their family, friends and the community. The show features over 100 kids through an exciting variety of singing, dancing, comedic acts, and much more. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the doors.
FUEL is comprised of Ferndale Public School’s 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes. This opportunity is an enriching arts experience for the students, and also helps raise money to expand educational opportunities for our elementary school children. Please come out and support the Ferndale Elementary PTA Fine Arts Program, which is a very proud tradition in the community. Treat yourself and don’t miss out on this “must see” talent show!

Royal Oak Farmers Market
Ring in Spring with Over 50 Breweries,Spirits & Live Entertainment!
ROYAL OAK BEER FEST returns just in time for the weather to warm up! Seasonally-themed beer fests visit the Royal Oak Farmers Market quarterly, with Spring popping its sunny and smiling face out from the clouds this Saturday, April 28 to bring us another fantastic craft beer celebration. Each attendee receives a commemorative event pint glass, keepsake photograph, live entertainment and an opportunity to
sample their way through the event. The focus of Royal Oak Beer Fest is the promotion of craft beers and the brewers that create them – and furthermore, how much everyone loves drinking them!

Bike Month
DID YOU KNOW THAT MAY IS NATIONAL BIKE MONTH? We like to think ‘bike month’ is every month in Ferndale. However, this May we will align with national efforts across the country and celebrate our bike-friendly city with Ferndale Bike Month! Throughout the month of May, the City will host weekly coordinated rides and education classes, including bike law and smart cycling. Ferndale Recreation, DDA, Police Department and Rotary Club will also host the annual Bike Rodeo on Thursday, May 17th at Schiffer Park. Look for scheduled dates, locations, and routes for weekly coordinated rides, classes, and more in the coming weeks at ferndalemoves.com.

May 5: Group Bike Ride (start at Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop)
 May 9: Group Bike Ride (6:30 PM start at Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop)
 May 12: Group Bike Ride (start at The Fit Park)
 May 17: Downtown Bike Rodeo (4 PM-8 PM at Schiffer Park)
 May 18: Bike-To-Work Day (contact Detroit Greenways Coalition)
 May 22: Group Bike Ride (6:30 PM)
 May 23: Bicycling 101 Class (6:30 PM at Ferndale Area District Library)
 May 30: Group Bike Ride (6:30 PM start at Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop)

ced@ferndalemi.gov or jlyons@ferndalemi.gov.

SAT MAY 5 | 2-8 P.M. | B. NEKTAR 1511 JARVIS
B. Nectars Spring Mead Fest
MEAD IS AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE created by fermenting honey with water, sometimes with various fruits, spices, grains or hops. It’s not quite wine and not quite beer, but it’s sure damn good. The Spring Mead Fest will take place at B. Nektar (1511 Jarvis) and runs from 2:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., although the taproom will stay open until 12:00 A.M. Admission is free and tickets are available for purchase to sample the variety of beverages. “We throw a party, located in the back parking lot of our headquarters, with some local food trucks, and an array of our products for attendees to try out,” said Miranda Johnson, marketing chief. “Each year is different.”

ROCK THE PARK Artist Bazaar
Come Rock the Park at an artist bazaar on Saturday, May 12th with BDTs at 21630 John R Rd. in Hazel Park. Admission is FREE and the event runs from noon to 9 PM. All proceeds will be donated to the Hazel Park Art Council, a local non-profit dedicated to bringing art to the community and our homes. Rock the Park will feature artist Mark Arminski, who will be showing off his amazing art along with 20+ local artisans. The event will be indoors and out with live local bands, raffles, silent auction, food trucks, and beer and wine for purchase. Come support your local artisans and participate in this amazing event! Let’s kick summer off right by Rocking the Park.

Cinco Bash Pub Crawl
GRAB YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR SOMBREROS and get into the “south of the border” spirit for Metro Detroit’s biggest Cinco Bash!  Enjoy “loco” specials on your favorite cervezas & margaritas at all of your favorite bars in both downtown Ferndale & downtown Wyandotte. Two pub crawls – two exciting locations – dozens of Metro Detroit’s best bars. Each bar will feature exciting cocktail, beer and shot specials, as well as festive activities. Tickets are available at Registration Bars and are $15 in advance ($25 day-of).

Women Walk For Peace  A Mother’s Day Event
8:00am – walk south to Grand Circus Park and return to 1st UU by 11am (3 mile loop). Signs & Banners provided. Immediately following the walk you are invited to attend a special service and potluck at 1st UU Church. For more information and to get on our e-list contact Anita at racedancer@hotmail.com. Check out our event page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/womenwalkingwoodwardforpeace/

Artist In You
The Artist In You’ Fosters & Rewards Creativity For Youth
THE ARTIST IN YOU” IS A COMMUNITY-WIDE CELEBRATION of 2D student art, featuring works by young talents from Ferndale High School, University High, and Center for Advance Studies and the Arts. Students will compete to have their winning piece converted into public art. A public reception with live music will take place Tuesday, May 15, 6:30 P.M. at the Ferndale Area District Library. “The Artist in You” provides students with a unique opportunity to exhibit, market and gain exposure for their creative work at a formative age. Art will remain on display May 14-June 9.

SAT MAY 19 | 5:30-11 PM | 4 RIDGE ROAD
Pleasant Ridge Audtion & Gala
THE PLEASANT RIDGE FOUNDATION PROUDLY PRESENTS the 58th Annual Pleasant Ridge Auction & Gala. This year’s theme is “Back to the 80s.” As always, attendees are welcome to dress to the theme. In addition to providing the opportunity to bid on a large variety of donated items, your ticket allows you to sample fabulous food from Chick-en Shack, dazzling desserts from Treat Dreams, great beer from Axle Brewing Company, and wonderful wines. This year’s Gala will once again include the exciting raffle offering with a Grand Prize of $10,000! The Foundation will put all money raised at the event back into the community to support a variety of activities/projects. Tickets for the event are $40 per person prior to May 14 and $50 after and can be purchased at pleasantridgefoundation.org, City Hall, or at the door the day of the event.

THIS YEAR’S SEVENTH ANNUAL EVENT will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018, when volunteers will plant, spruce, paint and clean designated public spaces. Friends, co-workers and family members are encouraged to participate. Please wear blue jeans and t-shirt as you will positively get dirty in the fun. Complimentary hot dogs and refreshments will be provided immediately following the completion of activities.
This year’s volunteer projects will include the planting of flowers at the Veteran’s Memorial and City Hall, sprucing the grounds at the Ferndale Area Public Library, clean-up at city parks and downtown painting projects. On this same day, the DPW (Department of Public Works) and SOCRRA (Southeastern Oakland County Resource Recover y Authority) will have the popular temporary Drop-off Recycling Station, located in the City Hall Parking Lot, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. As an added addition, we are pleased to include Simple Recycling to collect usable clothing and textiles for reprocessing into rags, insulation, and stuffing and the remaining natural materials left for composting. Individuals and groups interested can preregister at: https://ferndalemi.seamlessdocs.com/f/2018CTFU

Tequila Mundo
ULTIMATE FUN PRODUCTIONS AND REAL DETROIT EVENTS are pleased to announce Tequila Mundo on Saturday, May 19 at Royal Oak Farmers Market. This exciting tasting will bring together over 60 distinct varieties of tequila from around the world, across the state, and down the street. It’s a chance to discover and taste specialty cocktails, exotic margarita flavors, agave derived liqueurs, crèmes, and infusions. All guests of Tequila Mundo will receive a commemorative glass for tasting, drink sample tickets, keepsake photo, and live entertainment. So, whether you are a tequila geek, a newcomer to the world of agave, check out Tequila Mundo for the yearly celebration of all things agave!

Spring Perennial Exchange
IF YOU GROW PLANTS, OR SHAKE YOUR HEAD IN WONDER when someone else grows them, head over to the 9th Ferndale Perennial Exchange at Blumz By JRDesigns at 503 E 9 Mile. Ferndale Beautification Commission Chair Robbin Yelverton explained how the “exchange” works, which is: “Bring a plant, take a plant.” Bring your perennials in a labeled container. You will receive tickets to “purchase” other plants. There will be plants for sale as well. All monies help fund other events the Beautification Commission hosts throughout the year. For more info, go to the Ferndale Beautification Commission’s Facebook Events Page.

FernCare Free Clinic 10th Annual Dinner
JOIN US TO CELEBRATE OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY. This dinner is to celebrate the volunteers who make these services possible and a chance for us to say thank you to the donors who felt so many years ago and still feel that FernCare is a valuable resource. The location is lovely and fascinating at the same time. Great views of the water, Canada, the occasional lake freighter and a recently completely renovated museum. Walking into the original men’s smoking room of one of the Great Lakes cruise ships takes your breath away. Did I forget to tell you bring your phone or camera? We plan a strolling dinner based on Detroit ethnic and historic heritage. There will be places to sit and eat, so you don’t have to juggle plates and glasses. A cash beer and wine bar, music throughout and a Silent Auction. The Annual Dinner is one of our largest fundraising efforts. Tickets are $75 per person and include a drink ticket. There could be an additional $11.00 as you come on the island because Belle Isle isa state park and requires either the yearly Recreational Passport that is paid at the time of license renewal or per visit. There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities available ranging from$250 to $10,000. Ticket and sponsorship information is on our website, www.ferncare.org. Click on 10th Annual Dinner or purchase dinner tickets and sponsorships by mail: FernCare, 751 E. Nine Mile, Ste.2, Ferndale, 48220. If you have any questions, e-mail Kate Baker, Dinner Chairperson at kbaker@ferncare.org.

100th Anniversary! Memorial Day Observance
ON MONDAY, MAY 28, MARCHERS IN THE ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PARADE will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the longest continuous observance of the holiday in the state of Michigan. Armed service members from every branch of the military will be honored at the parade, which gets underway at 10:00 AM at the corner of Livernois and West Maplehurst. The focal point of the Memorial Day observance is, as always, the reading of the Honor Roll. The Honor Roll includes the names of service members who died since Memorial Day 2017. Veterans from Ferndale and neighboring communities are recognized during the Honor Roll. “We are encouraging members of the community – businesses as well as residents – to participate as marchers in this momentous occasion,” said Jean Burns, president of the Ferndale Memorial Association, the organization tasked with commemorating the sacrifices of veterans in the city. Participants will take to the streets with veterans, scout troops, school marching bands, dignitaries, service organizations and businesses, as well as Michigan Fallen, which has marked the occasion with placards honoring state residents who have died in overseas conflicts. Some groups decorate floats.  Every group is urged to keep in mind the mission statements: “For Those Who Gave Their All” and “Lest We Forget.” Visit www.FerndaleMemorial.org, or call Ms. Burns at 248-595-1187 or Major Stephen Lemelin at 248-648-1457.

A Final Meeting Together With Lee Alan
THOUSANDS OF US USED TO GET TOGETHER EVERY NIGHT ON THE RADIO. What if we could all have one last time together? Not on the radio, In person. You and me. And as many of my friends from all those great days who are still with us as I can get to come. Names you know. Radio-TV people, Music People. One last time. In one place. Memorial Day Afternoon, Monday, May 28th, 3 PM to 6 PM. at the Royal Oak Farmers Market., 316 E Eleven Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067, limited to 500 people. Advance ticket sales only. $20.00 per person. All ticket proceeds to The Royal Oak Historical Society. http://leealancreative.com/reunion

Michigan Fallen Foot Float
WE NEED YOUR FEET TO HONOR THE MEN AND WOMEN who lost their lives in the Iraq and Afghanistan War while serving in  a Michigan Military Unit. We have 262 individual posters to carry, flags, banners, and will be introducing a new design to our float, as well, the parade for this years tribute to the family and friends of our Michigan Fallen. We need your feet! Come join in May 28th at Livernois and West Maplehurst. Sign in time 7:30 – 9:30AM. Parade starts at 10:00 AM. Please no clothing that promotes a business, a product, a religious or political issue, or political candidate. We welcome vets to wear hats, as well, volunteers are encouraged to honor this national holiday by wearing red, white, and blue.

IF YOU’VE EVER CONSIDERED GOING TO MOVEMENT DETROIT MUSIC FESTIVAL, this may be the best year to attend. Why? You won’t want to miss the history making 30th anniversary performance of Inner City – the Billboard chart-topping group essential to techno in Detroit and around the world.

Started by Kevin Saunderson in 1988, the band experienced phenomenal success with hit songs like “Big Fun” and “Good Life” while their debut album Paradise reached Platinum status in the UK. Saunderson is renowned in the music world in his own right; known as one of the Belleville Three, along with Derrick May and Juan Atkins, who started as high school friends and are credited with creating Detroit Techno.

Inner City spent much of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s touring the world. The band was comprised of Saunderson as DJ, singer Paris Grey, and Ferndale personality Tommy Onyx as music director and keyboardist. Onyx describes some of their experience over the last 30 years.

“It was an interesting kind of group to start in 1988, and to see the way technology has changed since that time. For us, every tour we did was drastically different in terms of production because of new gear and advances,” he says. “The first tour we did was 100 per cent live. At the time we started there wasn’t a new paradigm yet. We were going out with live instruments, and it just evolved as tours went on.”

And he sometimes can’t believe the memories they created through those touring years. “A lot of life experience boxes got checked on those tours,” he says. “You don’t realize how privileged or awesome things are when you’re in the middle of it, but we got to perform at the Apollo theater for Showtime at the Apollo. Looking back it’s crazy to think I got to experience that.”

INNER CITY TOOK A HIATUS IN THE MID-2000s, and has evolved in more ways than one since. And he members of the band have all created individual legacies since their time touring together. Saunderson still tours independently as a world-renowned DJ and runs his record label KMS, while Onyx started a successful web development and design firm now based in Ferndale.

“This is the third time Inner City has performed the Movement festival proper. The first time was when it was still called DEMF. We performed again in 2010, and this will be the third,” Onyx says. “We also performed the after-party at St. Andrews in 2012 but weren’t a part of the actual festival.”

As they reconvene for their 30th anniversary at Movement Detroit, the band has grown to include some changing and new members. One of Saunderson’s three sons, Dantiez Saunderson, has joined the band to DJ and mix alongside his father.

Fans can also expect the return of Dennis White, who hasn’t performed with the band in 25 years. White and Onyx were in the band Charm Farm together in the late ‘80s, and most recently White won a 2018 Grammy for Best Remixed Recording of the Depeche Mode song “You Move.” White will be on keyboards alongside Onyx and Nico Marks at Movement.

The most noticeable difference will be the transition of lead vocals from Paris Grey to Steffanie Christi’an. A Detroit native, Christi’an has per-formed with such artists as Erykah Badu, Talib Kweli and Big Proof. She is also active in the Black Women Rock collaborative.

“She’s from Detroit, is a phenomenal singer and is from the scene – super excited to have her in the mix ” Onyx says. “We’ve been having her redo backing tracks because we weren’t looking to replicate Paris and wanted Steffanie to create her own part in Inner City.”

Movement Detroit takes place Memorial Day weekend, May 26th through May 28th and Inner City will perform Monday May 28th ahead of Wu Tang Clan, where they are planning to release two new singles.

“Everyone is at a stage right now – Kevin is considered a legend at this point, Dennis just won a Grammy, I have a web development business – this stuff is exciting but we could all easily go our separate ways,” Onyx says. “But we are all kinda’ excited to see if we could get another charting record again, one more box to check would be to do another tour with charting records.”

By Sara E. Teller

FERNDALE’S PRIDE FESTIVAL WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY, JUNE 2ND, beginning with an open ceremony at 1:00 PM The much-anticipated annual event, which debuted in 2011, typically draws around 15,000 to 20,000 attendees each year, according to estimates from public officials, explains Event Chair, Julia Music. This year the event is expected to grow, with more events, activities, and performances than ever before. 2018 will also mark the first year Pride will have a named sponsor to present it – The Candle Wick Shoppe.

“There will be a wedding at 12:30 PM, then the opening ceremony will officially kick off the event,” Music said, adding, “There will be around 158 street vendors in total this year. So, we’ve grown substantially.” This is a significant increase from last year’s total of 100 vendors. “There will be seven food vendors in addition to the area bars and restaurants that support Pride,” Music said. “I encourage all attendees to visit Pride-sponsored spots.”

Sober Space, which debuted at Pride last year, is expected to return and be available specifically to those in sobriety. It will be set up immediately following the opening festivities. This is a space designed for the sober community to come together in celebration and get to know one another, as well as an area for the newly sober to come and meet others practicing this lifestyle. The Children’s Area, sponsored by Blue Care Network and Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Southeast Michigan, will also be back with crafting activities for participating kids.

“This year, there will be really beautiful masks the kids can make with ribbons and beads. They have some pre-fab parts, but they’ll get to decorate them.

There will also be a 40-foot rock wall and other activities that we’re still finalizing,” Music explained. She added, “We will have games and activities in Sober Space from 1 PM to 8 PM the day of Pride, and Affirmations is always available as a so-ber space. They will have activities available five days leading up to Pride, including the Pride Prom,” at which attendees will be able to dance and enjoy refreshments.

There will be two drag queen shows outside of Rosie O’Grady’s, and for the first time, an event will take place outside of Axle’s Livernois Tap celebrating its one-year birthday. Also new this year will be an asexual balloon launch, followed by the traditional rainbow-colored launch. “We will be moving the dance stage to Planavon,” Music said. “And, there will be entertainment there from 1:15 PM on-ward.”

Numerous fundraising opportunities will take place leading up to Pride, including those at Zeke’s BBQ, Dino’s Brunch, Rosie O’Grady’s and other local area restaurants and businesses. Participants will be able to support Pride by purchasing meals, raffle tickets, and attending other activities. There will be meetings for volunteers 7-8:00 PM at the Kulick Center, 1201 Livernois, Ferndale MI 48220, on April 25, May 9 and May 23. Music said contracts for Pride vendors are set to go out this week, so a final list is still forthcoming. More information regarding The Candle Wick Shoppe Presents Ferndale Pride 2018 event can be found at www.ferndalepride.com.

Ferndale Elementary June Fair
THIS ANNUAL EVENT IS OUR BIGGEST PTA FUNDRAISER of the year and takes place at Ferndale Lower Elementary from 5-8 PM. It’s fun for the whole family and community and will feature musical entertainment, games, prizes, raffles, food, and much more! Our theme this year is “Classic Carnival”, and there are a few new surprises in store, as well as time-honored traditions the community knows and loves. We would love to see you there! Please contact this year’s event organizer, Allison Alexander, at 248-234-0459 with questions, or if you would like to be involved as a volunteer. If you are interested in or have questions about a corporate sponsorship, please email Mindy Domke at mindydomke@hotmail.com. We can’t wait to see you there!

Cocktail Confidential
COCKTAIL CULTURE IS FLOURISHING and The Cocktail Confidential is your chance to sample modern twists on classic drinks, plus all new creations – complete with a look into each recipe’s inception and unique ingredients. Innovative new recipes with homemade ingredients and complex layers of flavors mixed up by industry leaders and hometown mixologists. Ultimate Fun Productions, The Social Connection and Real Detroit Events have partnered together to produce an event featuring dozens of spirits featured in classic and innovative craft libations prepared by some of Detroit’s best mixologists. Guests of The Cocktail Confidential will receive a commemorative glass for tasting, drink sample tickets, keepsake photo, and live entertainment.

Huntington Woods Home Tour
THE 26TH ANNUAL HUNTINGTON WOODS HOME TOUR is an open house tour of five beautiful homes, featuring a variety of architectural styles which reflect the diversity and character of our city. All proceeds raised from this event are redistributed to local charities supporting education, women and children’s causes, such as Berkley High School scholar-ships, the Huntington Woods 4th of July Parade, Berkley Youth Assistance program, Norup Food Pantry and other great organizations. Sunday, June 3, 2018, 1:00 – 5:00 PM. Ticket prices: $20 advanced $25 at the door (16 years and older). Huntington Woods Library 26415 Scotia Rd, Huntington Woods MI www.hwwl.org.

Pleasant Ridge Home & Garden Tour
THE 14TH ANNUAL HOME & GARDEN TOUR OF HISTORICAL PLEASANT RIDGE, hosted by the Pleasant Ridge Historical Commission allows the public a special inside look at the different and characteristically historic properties of the city, and a chance to meet new people and obtain ideas on decorating, designing and gardening. Saturday, June 2, 2018 from 10 AM until 4 PM rain or shine. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 on event day and can be purchased at cityofpleasantridge.org, City Hall or by calling 248-541-2901 or on the day of the event at the welcome tent. On the day of the event, patrons are asked to pick up their wristband(s) and tour booklets and start the tour directly behind Pleasant Ridge City Hall, located at 23925 Woodward Avenue, Pleasant Ridge, Michigan 48069

Burger Bash Detroit
BURGER & BREWS BASH WILL HAVE SAMPLES of Michigan’s best burgers and brews all under one roof, held at the Royal Oak Farmers Market on Friday, June 8. We’re not entirely sure if there is anything more “American” than a party centered around burgers and beer, but given the time of year, nothing could be more appropriate. The event begins at 7:30 PM and runs until 10:30 PM. Both VIP and GA tickets include live entertainment and unlimited samples of burgers, sides & sweets. Additionally, each guest will have the opportunity to cast their vote for Best All-Around Burger, Most Unique Burger, Most Flavorful Burger and Best Dessert. A panel of favorite local chefs and food critics will award two very special vendors the titles of Best All-Around Burger and Best Sweet. Winners will gain automatic entry into the auspicious World Food Championships in Orange Beach, Alabama.

Rainbow Run
THE SIXTH ANNUAL “RAINBOW RUN” celebrates diversity, anti-bullying and acceptance. On Saturday, June 2 at 10:00 PM, participants will take to the streets of Ferndale and be covered in a rainbow of colors by the finish line. Contact the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce at info@ferndalechamber.com.

Palmer Park Art Fair
DETROIT’S PALMER PARK ART FAIR IS BOTH one of the oldest and one of the newest art fairs in the area. It takes place in Palmer Park, between McNichols and Seven Mile along Woodward in Detroit. One of the oldest because it was originally started in the early 1970s in the era of “clothes line” art fairs. Before the days of the pop up tents, artists would string lines between trees and hang their work.
Now it’s one of the newest art fairs, returning just five years ago. Amazingly, some of the original artists still participate. One comes all the way from Belgium. Each year the committee selects a poster design and commissions a quality edition of 100 copies available for sale at the show. The 2015 poster was selected as the best in the country by Sunshine Artist Magazine, and the 2016 poster was a runner-up. This year, the limited edition signed print displays an amazing piece of glass by the artist Berry Davis.
This eclectic fair features an intimate setting that many of the attendees appreciate, along the edge of Lake Francis and up to the newly restored Log Cabin. The booths are casually placed to take advantage of the natural beauty in the park.  While there is a good selection of less expensive art, the high-end originals is where this show really stands out.
This year, the Fair moves to the first weekend in June. The community comes together to make this a fabulous event. This year the Detroit Institute of Arts returns with some hands-on art activities. The Symphony will present a live simulcast concert, and other surprises are planned. A few of the area’s best food trucks participate annually, and a beer tent helps to relax and en-joy a day out at the park.

Palmer Park is only one mile South of Ferndale on Woodward. Continue past Seven Mile and take the next right turn, and you will see the art fair and the parking lots. The show runs Saturday June 2, 10-7 and Sunday June 3, 11-5. Parking and admission are free. More information about the show is at PalmerParkArtFair.com. Park information is at PeopleForPalmerPark.org.

The Art of Fire: Clay • Glass • Metal
THIS YEAR THE ROYAL OAK CLAY, GLASS & METAL SHOW is is transforming into The Art of Fire: Clay • Glass • Metal. The new name elaborates on the concept that all of the art at the show has been created from minerals and flame. This year the show is June 9-10, on Washington Street in Downtown Royal Oak. Long-time attendees will see some major differences including much larger demonstration areas featuring larger scale work in glass blowing, raku-firing and more. Each demo area will be set up for seating and have a sound system so that the artists can explain their process. There will also be numerous places where people will be invited to get their hands dirty trying out these three mediums. The show still features over 100 juried artists showing an incredible diversity of styles and visions within the theme. About half of the artists will be new to the show this year. The show is produced by the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce, and they are partnering with the DIA, Pewabic Pottery and Oakland Community College as well as some additional organizations to assure that festival goers will get a diverse view of what is possible when you mix minerals with heat. More information is available at ClayGlassandMetal.com.

Walk In The Park
SPONSORED BY VALENTINE DISTILLERY, the Hazel Park “Walk in the park pub crawl” is the result of the creative genius of Hazel Park resident, Sue Burrows who has planned a fundraising pub crawl benefiting local nonprofits. The proceeds will assist the Hazel Park Promise Zone, the Hazel Park Arts Council and Hazel Park Library Friends. The ticket price includes a free koozie, a lanyard map, shuttle, as well as free appetizers and discounts on adult beverages at each location. The Walk in the Park Pub Crawl takes place Saturday June 9th from 1 PM till 7 PM, and check-in is available at either House of Shamrocks or Kozy Lounge. Ticket price is only $25 in advance, $30 day of. Come out, bring your friends, enjoy some beverages, a nice walking tour of the city of Hazel Park, all for a good cause (or three).

Garlic & Music Fest
TEMPT EVERY SENSE AT GARLIC & MUSIC FESTIVAL – a weekend of tastes, scents, sights & sounds. Enjoy deliciously garlicky food, live music, cold beer & summer cocktails, and plenty of family fun, all centrally located in downtown Ferndale. In addition to all the garlic, guests can expect a diverse range of food and adult beverages, three days of non-stop musical entertainment across two stages, fine art & craft vendors, more.

6/12 – 7/17 – 8/7 | FERNDALE LIBRARY
Ferndale Library Summer Concert Series
THE FERNDALE LIBRARY’S SUMMER CONCERT SERIES has always strived to expose library visitors to music that is new and exciting in a setting that is both lively and thoughtful. FADL’s biggest music event features three free, family-friendly concerts spread across the season. The dates this year are June 12, July 17, and August 7; each of these performances are free and begin at 6:30pm and each of the dates will be on a Tuesday evening. We will host each concert outdoors in our courtyard if the weather permits.

June 12: Bichini Bia Congo bring a high-energy display of Congolese drums and dance.
July 17: Ferndale-based producer/songwriter/guitarist Nadir Omowale will bring some invigorating stone-cold funk.
August 7: The exquisite strings and vocalists of Musique Noire will perform some soulful/classy jazz.

Last year’s lineup attracted a record-high number of music-loving attendees to the library’s long-running Summer Concert Series, and we think this year’s artists will definitely top that. This series of monthly performances is an ideal way for local music fans and families to spend a summer evening. Funds raised by our bi-annual bake sales, bolstered by the support of the Friends of the Ferndale Library, consistently help us produce a fun and exciting three-part series of monthly weeknight concerts featuring top tier talents from around the region.

Ferndale Library Summer Reading Series
THE FERNDALE LIBRARY HAS BEEN REGISTERING ITS HIGHEST RATES ever for young readers who sign up each year to participate in the annual Summer Reading series. The theme for this year’s literacy-boosting initiative is “Libraries Rock,” proven by a six-week span of activities, programs and fun events for kids and families. Summer Reading programming at your public library can assure that young minds are raring to go when September comes around. This year’s kickoff party will be an Ice Cream Social at the library, on Saturday, June 23, from 2-4pm, with magician Cameron Zvara. Kids who sign up can collect prizes throughout the summer. Meanwhile, there will be storytimes throughout the summer, new Sensory Saturdays for the youngest readers and special summer programs like ‘Live Animals’ with Science Alive, ‘Rock & Roll Fashion & Album Artwork’ with the College of Creative Studies, a puppet show with Alex Thomas & Friends, and more! facebook.com/ferndalekids/

Fine Art Fine Wine Fair
THE FINE ART FINE WINE FAIR returns to St. Mary’s Orchard Lake this June 23-24, featuring almost 100 fine juried artists on the lake under tall trees at the corner of Orchard Lake Road and Commerce Road. This year will feature international wine-tasting in an amazing sculpture garden. This is a very high-end event with artists from all over the USA participating, featuring pottery, paintings, photography, jewelry, drawings, ceramics, mixed media and fiber arts. For details see FineArtFineWineFair.com. And new this year is the Grosse Pointe Art Fair on May 19-20 at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club which has the 30th year of the Great Lakes Boating Festival at the same time. The Grosse Pointe Art Fair and the Grosse Pointe Boating Festival are both free admission with free parking and shuttles. For more information see GrossePointeArtFair.com.

Ferndale Community Concert Band
THE FERNDALE COMMUNITY CONCERT BAND want to thanks our patrons, adver-tisers and donors for your continued support. The FCCB will close out our third concert season on Sunday, June 17, 2018, with Salute to our Fathers Concert, held on Father’s Day. This concert is one of our most popular concerts to attend. Immediately following the concert our Annual Ice Cream Social will be held to show our appreciation to all those who attend our concerts. The Band will perform as guest musicians on Sunday, June 24 at 3:00 PM on Belle Isle as part of the newly established Music on Belle Isle Group (MOBIG). Please join us. The 2018-2019 concert season runs from September through June. The FCCB performs five concerts per season in October, December, February, April, and June. The mission of the Ferndale Community Concert Band is to be a high-caliber, adult band made up of volunteer musicians dedicated to providing high-quality musical performances. www.fcconcertband.org.

Art Of The Cocktail
THE FERNDALE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY’S signature fundraising event, The Art of the Cocktail, returns a fun-filled 5th year. Featuring ten of the district’s talented bartenders and their creative blending skills, attendees will be the judge of each cocktail creation, crafted from identical ingredients supplied to each bartender. Guests can watch the creative genius at work, taste the results and vote for their favorite to designate Downtown Ferndale’s Cocktail of the Year. The evening also includes a silent auction, appetizers and many more fun details to be announced. Limited quantity tickets available, via the Ferndale DDA or PayPal. All proceeds help the DDA continue its efforts to raise funds for public art in Downtown Ferndale. www.downtownferndale.com.