Ferndale Education Foundation Works to Support Ferndale Educational Initiatives

Ferndale Education Foundation Works to Support Ferndale Educational Initiatives

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At this time of year, we often turn our thoughts and efforts to supporting the organizations and individuals who are working to make a difference right here in our own community. If you’re looking for a local charity that will have long-reaching effects on the success of Ferndale education and its youth, look no further than the Ferndale Education Foundation.

Formed in 1989 by then-Superintendent William Coyne, the Ferndale Education Foundation set aim at improving the state of education within Ferndale Public Schools. Coyne recognized a need for a foundation that would support educational initiatives that were not included in the general operating budget for the school district and decided to take action.

Composed of an all-volunteers base, the FEF makes possible a wide range of learning opportunities for all of the students in Ferndale schools.

Along with great work throughout the community, the FEF is responsible for supporting innovative and unique teaching programs through small grants, sponsoring talks and workshops from visiting authors, and the annual support of Camp Skyline — an ACA-accredited camp that hosts summer programs and retreats for many groups throughout Michigan.

The FEF bases all of their work on the principle that all students are entitled to an enriching and quality education, and deserve to be challenged academically.

Funding is dependent on the generous contributions of individuals, businesses, organizations, and other community members. The FEF is also sustained through sponsorships and participation in their annual fundraisers including the Fore Kids golf outing and auction. Many district employees also support the FEF and its endeavors by contributing through a payroll deduction that goes to benefit the organization. Each of these methods of support helps to continue building the Foundation’s endowment for the support of excellence in education.

Along with helping education initiatives, the Founda- tion also works to spotlight and encourage students with various programs and awards. Earlier this year, the Ferndale Education Foundation announced the recipient of their first annual True Grit Award. Ferndale High School Senior Nieyri Cobb received the award in recognition of her academic success in the face of challenges throughout the year.

Planned to be an annual prize, the True Grit Award focuses on honoring a Ferndale student’s persistence and determination.

An important organization like the Ferndale Educational Foundation is only successful through the generous support of the community it works to serve. Recently, the Foundation held a successful fundraiser at the Royal Oak Olga’s Kitchen in an effort to help raise funds for their great work. For information on events like these and other ways to get involved in supporting the mission of the Ferndale Educational Foundation, visit Ferndaleschools.org/fef.

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