Jessica York of Breathe Bodywork

Jessica York of Breathe Bodywork

By Mary Meldrum


One of the first things she told me is that everything is connected. “All the people from the podcast are people I know. I do a lot of research and connecting and networking.” I happen to agree with her completely on this notion.

Jessica always wanted to be a therapist but it didn’t work for her. She dropped out and went to massage school. “I had become very transparent with my own mental health disorders. Created transparency in my business.” Being that open to her clients, helps them feel comfortable.

Breathe: Bodyworks & Beautification has won many awards for their massage, day spa, facial and skin care services. In addition, they offer party packages for your special event. Packages are available for Valentine’s Day, weddings, bachelorette parties, and private spa parties for sorority sisters and women who work together. They do them at the office and sometimes offer a mobile service too. Jessica can add on with other party packages, as well.

Meditation studies are also available. It is reserved for special occasions and events. Jessica started doing it about 20 years ago.

York’s expanding business required the recent addition of a second location, Breathe East, which opened in April, at the Greater Chiropractic Office in St. Clair Shores.

JESSICA WANTS TO HOLD SPACE OPEN for other people to allow them to tell their own stories. She has a wide variety of relevant topics in her library of podcasts. We spent some time discussing the podcasts:

Toxic & Taboo: “This is about things that guys are not supposed to talk about. It’s difficult to ask men about certain things. The Michigan Center for Mental Health has a men’s group. There are few men’s groups in the Metro area. AA and NA are the only places that they can go and open up to others.”

Infertility, Miscarriage & More: “With a local doula and meditation consultant, speaking about pregnancy, and the whole other side of it with miscarriage, infertility, and other terrible problems. Especially with miscarriage, there is a lack of communication about the tragedy. It’s disheartening, but the women who reached out were very happy to jump in and tell us that there needs to be more communication about this side of pregnancy. We are only shown the happy bubble. The C-section rate is typically extraordinary and unnecessary in America. A lot of traumas are associated with the C-section.”

#Notanalcoholic: “It is about the assumption that everyone is an alcoholic. Alcohol abuse disorder is the new term for ‘staging’ people who are problem drinkers. They have stages of alcoholism, and it fits better with describing some people who are suffering from the disorder. It’s about recognizing the signs and symbols that fit the description. It is a very layered disease. The cause, the reason people either give it up or don’t give it up, is unique for everyone. The alcohol industry is huge and it is not going away. We have to learn to temper our relationship with it. Not everyone has a reasonable rock bottom.”

“When I decided to establish my business in Ferndale, I wanted to be the spa that people recommend. I want people to see my business as a go-to location for keeping everyone successful. Hoping that continuing to do that, it is a positive impact on everyone with all the pillars of wellness. It makes me happy that I have been able to cultivate that in a short period of time.” | 248.301-8238


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