Fair Trade: The store, the rules

Fair Trade: The store, the rules

By David Stone

JILL SCHOENHALS AND HER HUSBAND, Bob Warren (Pastor of First United Methodist in Ferndale) have always been very conscientious consumers. Whether they are avoiding products sprayed with dangerous chemicals or goods manufactured by poorly paid workers, the couple takes their purchases seriously. That, and the fact that she has extensive experience in working with nonprofit organizations, made it seem natural to convert one of the church’s unused rooms into a fair trade store.

Fair Trade is a movement with the goal of helping the oft-exploited workers in foreign countries achieve better life conditions, as well as encouraging sustainable farming and processing practices. The people at the base of the supply chain (the farmers and producers) are paid better prices for their products, and the middlemen are held to higher social and environmental standards. The end result is ideally an affordable product for the consumer and a better living standard for the people who produce it.

Jill calls her creation “A fair trade pop-up shop.” But don’t think it’s going anywhere. She refers to it that way because her business is still in the planning and research stages. She wants to see if our community can support a permanent, full- time fair trade store before she commits herself to the project.

Jill gets very excited when talking about Ferndale. She calls our city “A model for how a community does social justice; volunteering, and also with policy and government leadership.” She loves how Ferndale “Takes the lead on social justice issues as a municipality.” She also likes the “community-mindedness” of our citizens, and how we are quick to volunteer for a good cause. Jill also refers to Ferndale as an “authentic” community, with a “good ethos” and a “heart for justice.”

She also feels that Ferndale is a good place to start a small business. She describes Ferndale’s consumers as “educated, intellectually curious” individuals who create a community that “allows for creativity.” She also feels that our Chamber of Commerce and the DDA are very helpful.

Now, you, dear friend, want to know what items Jill carries? Easy enough. In the words of her own fliers, she carries “jewelry, chocolate, textiles, Christmas.”

What? She sells Christmas? I always knew, you’ll say, that Christmas was becoming commercialized.
Never worry, gentle reader, that is not what she means. Jill likes to collect Nativity scenes and creches, and her store carries an extensive collection of them. She also carries tea, coffee, and spices. I can personally vouch for the deliciousness of her coffee and chocolate, as Jill served both during the interview.

Whether you are looking for an unusual gift, love good chocolate and good coffee, or are looking for that special piece of jewelry, go to the Ferndale First United Methodist Church.

There, while buying quality items that provide a living wage to craftspeople and farmers, you will help another unique, grown-in- Ferndale enterprise to stay in business.


The Fair Trade Ferndale Pop-Up is located in the Ferndale First United Methodist Church at 22331 Woodward (enter from Leroy Street.) It’s open from October 30 to December 19. Hours are Fridays 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., Saturdays Noon to 5:00 P.M., and Sundays before and after the 10:30 A.M. worship service. Call (248) 545-4467 or visit on the web at www.ferndalefirstumc.org or ferndalefirstumc@ ameritech.net

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