Aug / Sept 2016

By: Jeff Milo, Circulation Specialist

We sent this column to press just before the recent primary [pub. note: It passed],here voters were asked to support a millage increase that would expand the Ferndale Library’s operating hours, and enhance services. Perhaps you’re reading this after a successful campaign, in which case you will find us grateful and ready to further strengthen and upgrade sever-al aspects of our service, including programming and computer access, along with more hours. We’d be sad to say that more cuts could be on the horizon should this millage have failed. Regardless, let it never be in doubt that we are unwaveringly devoted to serving the City of Ferndale, and strengthening this community by providing access to materials and services that inform, enrich, entertain and empower.

Concert Aug 23: Now how about some enriching entertainment; there’s a concert coming up on August 23. Our annual three-part Summer Concert Series brings top-tier local artists and talented touring songwriters
(from all around Michigan) into the library for special weeknight performances that music lovers of all ages can enjoy, whether they get up close to the performers in our community room or if they are catching the strains of beautiful music streaming into the library’s main floor to sound-track your studying or latest read.

Trois Bouffons will perform a free concert at 6:30 P.M. on August 23, to close out this year’s series. This eclectic quartet are able to program a multifaceted musical experience. Based in SE Michigan, Trois Bouffons formed in 2007 to preserve the legacy and over-all charms of French Canadian tradi-tional music. With this library performance, they’ll blend in elements of Delta blues, New Orleans Jazz, Appalachian folk and traditional fiddle music. Fans of vintage styles will sure-ly love this show.

Interim Director: The Board has appointed Darlene Hellenberg as interim Director, taking over as former Director Jessica Keyser takes a new position at the Grosse Pointe Public Library. Darlene has served as the Head of Reference for one year and has been with the Library since 2003. She got her masters in Library Science from Wayne State in 2012. She has administered the annual Ferndale Reads citywide bookclub for six years, along with regularly coordinating a diverse blend of monthly program-ming, from the educational to the entertaining, the literary to the en-lightening. She is as wise and reliable as she is friendly and forthright. The Board anticipates a smooth transition. The process to select a permanent re-placement will begin in late August.

Youth Book Club Update: Youth Book Clubs will be taking a break throughout the rest of August and resume in September. There will be a new book club announced soon, though, which is exciting news. Follow for up-dates. Starting in September: Early Elementary Book Clubs (K-2 grade) will meet on the first Wednesdays, Upper Elementary Book Clubs (grade 2-5) will meet on the second Wednesdays, and Middle Grades Book Club (grade 5-8) will be on the third Tuesdays.

You can find updates about ongoing Adult Reading programs at our web-site:

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states united to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most vital aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

By: Linden Godlove, Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce

The Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce wants to help connect the community! This Fall we’ll be bringing people together, with our Guide to the Ferndale Area, our new bar crawl, social media campaigns, and the Annual Gala.

Every year, the Chamber publishes the Guide to the Ferndale Area, a resource magazine that provides an overview of the community, including maps, city profiles, photographs, and more. The Guide helps connect people to the organizations they are looking for and the information they need. All members of the Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce automatically get a company listing in the Guide’s directory. In addition, any organization can showcase their business with an ad.

This September, we’re bringing a new event to Ferndale Streets: “Sip, Stroll, Roll.” Fifteen bucks is your pass to discounted tastings at bars and bistros throughout Ferndale. Participating businesses include Cork Wine Pub, Pop’s for Italian, Western Market, Valentine Distillery, Schramm’s Mead and more. Walk or bike on a delectable adventure of special drinks at a discount-ed price. Appetizers will also be available. Visit your favorite spots and try out some new ones.

Organizations on the edges of Ferndale will soon be spotlighted in our social media campaign, “Up in Your Business.” Spaces beyond Downtown Ferndale will be featured in business profiles, photo tours, and more. Follow us on Facebook
(, Twitter (, and Instagram
(, and get acquainted with retail areas in Livernois, the Hilton Row, 8 Mile and more. If your organization is outside of downtown Ferndale and you’d like some love, contact us. This is an exclusive bene-fit for Chamber members.

We revel in fun at the Ferndale Area Chamber, so we are eagerly planning our 2016 Gala. The theme is “Local Flavor” for our biggest party of the year, a celebration of our community and achievements. “Gala 2016: Local Flavor” is on Thursday, November 10 at the Rust Belt Market. Ferndale Area restaurants, bars, and markets will have offerings to experience. Wares crafted by artisans in our talented community, as well as gift baskets from small businesses will be up for auction. Contact us if you want to join the party, whether it’s with the planning or to play.

The Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce makes great efforts to elevate our members in the community, and broadcast the amazing things they are doing. Many hands are needed to raise up our community. Contact us if you’re interested in lending a hand in volunteering to help us in our work.

The Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, member-based organization. Contact us at 248-542-2160 or

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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By Rebecca Hammond

Neighbor Kate Fox is growing a masterpiece in her backyard, with vegetables planted directly in bales of straw. She bought six bales straw from a farmer who told her they are selling briskly, this idea being the rage among city dwellers. The straw is pushed gently aside to make a basin for a soil-less mix, and into that go the plants. An ordinary kitchen thermometer is used to keep daily track of the temperature inside each bale, which rises over time to hit 120, then heads back down to 80. The conditioning process that causes this rise in temperature alternates watering with fertilizing, turning each bale into a mini-compost bin.

The bales are already slowly disintegrating, and will continue. They’ll be next year’s mulch. She found the idea online along with books on the subject, and loaded one, Growing Vegetables in Straw Bales by Craig Lehoullier, to her Nook.

The small garden looks thriving and healthy, although Kate told me that next year she’d put fewer plants in each bale. She’s growing cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, squash, peppers, onions, cilantro, and green beans in a very small space. She’s hooked up an automatic watering system as well.

Daniel and Katie Tanner replaced, with two raised beds filled with vegetables and herbs, what some of us in the ‘hood joked was “The Big Blue Litter Box” in their new front yard. Dan told me when he and Katie were house-hunting and saw some of the yards nearby (weird ones), he knew he’d found “my kind of people.” The
“litter box” was a cute, fake pond with bright blue sand instead of water, but sand which neighborhood cats didn’t recognize as decoration. The bright sun in the Tanners’ front yard has produced a fast-growing gar-den. Katie thought this was a great opportunity to show their two young children the growing process, while
“making the most of the space.”

In Seattle, where the Tanners lived until recently, this approach to yard space is common, she said. Dan built the frames for the raised beds, the kids’ grandmother helped them plant, and the family guinea pigs are enjoying the lettuce (which they know is coming when they hear the fridge open).

FERNDALE IS FULL OF MILKWEED. Has it always een here? I now look for it almost obsessively, everywhere, so I’m not sure.  Now, if we were only seeing monarchs! We took a new hike a month or so ago, the Lost Twin Lakes Pathway deep in the Au Sable State Forest south of Houghton Lake, and experienced a mysterious phen-omenon: Notice one of something, then suddenly you’ll see it everywhere. In this case, Lady’s Slippers. We saw one hiding in the forest’s understory, and suddenly saw perhaps hundreds. Once we were off the main loop and re-traveling the spur to the parking lot, we realized we’d blindly walked past dozens there alone.

The first time this happened to me was on a nature hike in Mentor, Ohio, part of the Great Lakes convention was held in Cleveland that year. The guide told us that we, being surrounded by swamp milkweed, were also surrounded by monarch caterpillars – big ones –and that once we saw one, we’d see many. They were everywhere, but effectively invisible until one popped into one’s vision. (By the way, out-of-staters on that hike insisted on rhyming Mentor with “centaur,” but this is Ohio, where Rio Grande is “rye-o grande,” and Bellefontaine is “bellfountain.” It’s “Menner.” Toss a hint of T in there if you’re a purist, but don’t let Ohioans hear too much of it.) There seems to be an important life lesson in this being-blind-till-we-see phenomenon, but I have yet to put it into words.

Any daily perusal of Facebook will surely bring you some stress remedies, our culture seeming to loath stress as much as we brag about it. In speaking with people who’ve Gone Weird instead of toeing the Normal Line, I notice that while many may initially choose to use a retro rotary mower or clothesline for green reasons, most continue for meditative reasons. It is surely wiser and more time-effective to use whatever meditative opportunities arise through the ordinary course of the day than to cram in modern solutions to longstanding human problems, and then also cram in yoga and meditation on top of them. Hanging out clothes is pretty darned good meditation, and not bad exercise, either.

Convenience may have caused more stress-requiring-antidotes than is apparent, and advertising is powerful. Who hasn’t had hammered away at them the message that dryers and dishwashers are time-savers, for example? I remember the first time we lived somewhere that had a dishwasher and being disappointed, even dismayed, that it obviously saved little time. Eventually, we obeyed subliminal orders and agreed the dishwasher was convenient, dang it. Then again, noticed otherwise.

But here’s another thought: Most of us are also looking for meaning, as well as convenience/stress antidotes. Hanging clothes is both. Tossing clothing in the dryer is merely one more task to get over and done with; all meaning has been stripped from it. But hanging them, you have mindfulness of avoiding the CO2 footprint of the dryer, smelling clothes as you take them down, watching birds, the sunset, talking to neighbors. Maybe we’re spend-ing time replacing what ordinary life used to just dole out. Odd to also observe that what used to be ordinary is now, well, weird.

Keep Ferndale weird. We’re surrounded by ordinary, and that’s fine, but our fabulous, fashionable weirdness is a magnet, and we should revel in it.

Rebecca Hammond  accidentally kicked a baby robin that was hiding the in semi-darkness on her porch, not harming it, but sending it into a shrieking tailspin, and was then further horrified by its mother’s ear-splitting attack. She didn’t mean it, Mama.



If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction turn on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual malfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Story By David Wesley

Bailey Boudreaux is the owner and manager of Ferndale’s Slipstream theatre. The man behind one of the city’s oldest and most prestigious theaters tells me of a dark, troubled youth that led to the life-saving work he does now with a new family and ripe, iridescent view on life. He tells Ferndale Friends, “I was a troubled child and went through a hard time, but who didn’t? I found my home among the theatre crowd and ended up in a performing arts high school. I went to college for acting, and left to do a national tour. I landed in Chicago after that, working as an actor and cabaret artist. I came back to Michigan after years away because I wanted to reconnect with my roots. “

But I found myself in a downward spiral once I was back. My high school and college friends were moving on to the most recognizable definitions of “success” and I fell into despair. I spent many years as an alcoholic, and contemplated throwing it all away. Many times. But I came through, with the help of a great program and support system, and a very special friend who left us too soon, but taught me more in a short time than hundreds had in my lifetime. I got through it, and am seven years sober. “

I have found my truest home with the company members of Slipstream, and for the first time in my life, understand what the word family actually means. It took me way too long to understand that word, and to be able to define success. These are thoughts that keep me going, and make me passionate about ensuring young people are heard, encouraged, and not confined to labels, stereotypes, or a pre-determined life plan set out for them before they had any kind of say.”

Bailey’s background is steeped in chaos, color and esprit. Both have brought so much energy,entertainment and talent to Ferndale that it’s time the story is told for everyone.

FF: How did Slipstream come about and how did it end up in Ferndale?
BB: Slipstream started in a way most unique things do; as a conversation between two good friends about hypotheticals. Jennifer Jolliffe and I had just celebrated her birthday, and settled in to talk about aspirations, how we got to where we were, etc. She asked me if I could do anything with my life, what would it be. I answered before thinking about it, that I would start a theater company. And the thoughts kept coming. I didn’t want a company that would compete with other companies. I wanted one that would bring the community together, or at least offer a filler between established companies’ shows. The hook? I was tired of seeing “A Doll’s House” done as a stuffy museum piece. I was sure that if Ibsen saw it today, he would revoke the rights. It was banned when it was written. Ibsen was making a huge statement and sacrificing his own income and reputation by doing so. When it’s presented today, it is treated as a delicate piece of art that remains a piece of history. But it isn’t. It is a visceral and vital part of women’s rights, and its themes are just as, if not more so, relevant today than they were back then.

From that example came many others – why was Hedda Gabler always seen as this maniacal villain? She was a disturbed human being, who had the brains and the skill to succeed but lacked the appropriate gender for the time. The same thoughts came about other classics and their modern day treatments. So the goal became to produce classical theatre in a way that got younger audiences invested in the modern day authenticity of the works’ themes and relevance. This is not to say classics produced as classics are bad, or doing a dis-service, there is a great need for them. But there is also a need to remind people what made them classics in the first place.

The other concept that I was completely devoted to was the idea of a closed company. Not because the idea of exclusivity intrigued me – in fact, it was terrifying. The last thing you want to do is start a company and automatically come across as elitist. But that built in trust that happens within the closed BFA programs atff14652_slipstream-group colleges and rep companies all over the country seemed to me an essential element in getting actors to do their best work. I had been in many productions where gossip and scandal made it nearly impossible for the actors to feel comfortable enough with their scene partners to really dive into the work that needed to be done. I thought that by making the company a small one with actors working together consistently, barriers would be broken down and the process of collaborating and devising things as a group would fuel the final product.

The other thing we wanted to make sure we had in place was a company that invited in and helped to train young artists. We started through classes, and tried out workshops before deciding that the best experience was hands on. So we started casting younger actors in our shows. To give them the resume item as well as the real life experience of working with professional actors in a tight time frame and on a very limited budget.

I live in Ferndale, and after having lived many places, Ferndale is by far my favorite. There is a weird, “Pleasantville” kind of feel to this town that makes it one-of-a-kind. We started as a mobile company, with our eyes on Detroit, but eventually settled in Ferndale because we found the building that spoke to us. Call it kismet or a good market. Either way, this is where we ended up and couldn’t be more thrilled.

FF: How did you get involved in Slipstream and how has it grown since its inception?
BB: The idea was mine. The assurance and faith was Jen’s. Together we make a heck of a team. When I lacked confidence, she used logic to convince me of the merits of the company. And likewise, when the logistic merits seemed daunting to her, I used the creative aspect to remind her of its viability. We started as vagabonds and did not think we would have a permanent home by our second season. But that’s what happened. The company has grown, and shrunk, and grown, always keeping the founding members, Graham Todd, Luna Alexander, Steve Xander Carson, Ryan Ernst (to name a few) involved. In season one, we switched technical directors halfway through and Ryan took over all our set building and design, on top of playing leading roles. Steve became our resident fight choreographer and movement specialist, as well as our leading man. Luna has since become Associate Artistic Director and she and I take turns directing the shows this season. We are hoping to bring in a guest director per season as well. So much has changed, or rather, grown, since Slipstream’s inception. We have become a family and we are not afraid to take risks. Sometimes it pays off, and other times it doesn’t – and then, like anything else in life, we learn from our mistakes, and become better artists and creative members of the community because of these “growing pains.” We are learning what it means to create the kind of work we want to create while also balancing what the public cares to see, and what opportunities we can open for younger artists.

FF: How does Slipstream compare with other theaters in the Metro and Downtown areas? What sets Slipstream apart?
BB: This question always gets me. I think every theatre in this area has found their own niche. Comparing them is what gets us into trouble as a pretty tightly stretched community in general. Each theatre has its own way about it, its own favorite actors that are used repeatedly, and its own unique line up of shows. We do classics, and we do them in highly conceptualized ways. I’m sure we’re not the first company to do that, and we certainly won’t be the last. But if there had to be one difference, that would probably be it. That, and the closed company aspect. But each theatre in the area is working hard to put on amazing productions and keep the business afloat. We all share the same audience. So trying to alienate one, praise another, or dismiss one really does a disservice to the artists in the community as well as the patrons who support us all.

FF: What are the plans for Slipstreams future?
BB: We plan to keep going, producing seven works per season and one original work as an encore to the season. We were thrilled with our Halloween spectacular this past season and will probably continue that. Building in traditions is essential to the success of any theatre company, but learning what is tradition and what is simply dumb luck is a difficult lesson. We are also starting to bring workshops and specified shows to high schools in the area. We have expanded by having Puzzle Piece share our space as well, and try to do as much as we can to pair with local businesses and charities. Our goals remain certain — to produce effective and relevant classic works while building the artistic and communal society in which we live. We want the arts to thrive, we want businesses to thrive, we want the Metro Detroit area to thrive. We want to do our part to ensure the area’s future is rich with culture and that the youthof tomorrow has a place to call home.

Slipstream Theatre Initiative
460 Hilton, Ferndale MI 48220

If some happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotence and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story By Jack D. Arlan
Photos By Bernie Lamframbiose

“I wanted to make better records”, says Dave Feeny about his moving a recording studio from his parents’ basement to a onetime chiropractor’s building on Hilton Road just off Nine Mile.

There has been progress and many changes since that move in the 1980s, when he was still a teenager cutting his teeth in the business by recording punk rock bands.

Feeny, the founder of Tempermill, has recorded a host of musicians and bands, including Kid Rock and Jack White. He is an accomplished musician himself, well-known for playing the pedal steel
(think guitar, absent the body, horizontal like a xylophone on a stand with sixteen strings instead of wooden bars, the use of a steel slide and the ability to bend strings with not only the knee, but also foot pedals). He played on every cut of Loretta Lynn’s 2005 Grammy Award-winning country album, Van Lear Rose. Additionally, Dave has his own record label, Gangplank Records.

Dave had an ace in the hole when launching Tempermill. It was a deal involving legendary local band the Junk Monkeys and a Warner Bros division; that was a big deal then – and largely unavailable now with the rise of the internet, streaming music and smart phones — because label backing meant the funding of a recording budget.

Feeny maxed out his credit cards, while beginning with two things. First, he bought a twenty-four track analog tape recorder; Tempermill is one of the few studios that can still produce vinyl for those with “old school” or romantic reasons. He also specifically designed the place to create records, literally constructing rooms and small buildings within the existing rooms and structure. The composition of floors, walls and ceilings for the various studios and isolation booths were particularly provided with differing acoustic diffusion and absorption materials.

As to Tempermill’s large studio, one of the largest rooms in Michigan according to Feeny, it was designed with specific acoustic principles in mind. He says, “It’s very open sounding without being echo-ey (like a church or gymnasium), no parallel walls and a blend of diffused hard and absorbent surfaces.” There are relatively few commercial studios left that can accommodate a seven- or eight-piece band. Earlier this year, two bands touring nationally and worldwide spent a few weeks each recording in the large studio; one was Crime & the City Solution, an eight member Australian alternative rock band; the other was the seven-piece Celtic punk band, Flogging Molly.

Many commercial studios and record labels have bit the dust since Pro Tools (a digital audio
workstation) became a “must-have” for home studios over the last few decades. Take a look at Dave Grohl’s (drummer with Nirvana) 2013 documentary about the rise and demise of the legendary Sound City Studios (recording Fleetwood Mac, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Tom Petty to name a few artists) in Los Angeles. Tempermill continues on, adjusting with the times; it’s one of a handful of studios in Ferndale that have become the hub of the metro-Detroit recording industry.

One irony, “There’s now a little recording studio on almost every block in Ferndale. With analog, it used to be that $100 thousand or more was necessary to record. Now for a few grand you can do something in your home that’s at least decent,” says Feeny.

“The Detroit area has many, many world-class musicians,” says Dave, “I love great players coming in, jazz, country, rock or whatever, and me being an audience. Still, most groups here now are self-produced and funded; before, records made money, and a group could get a bump with DJs and the radio, which was at least a filtering system. Now, if someone knew how to market new talent they would be doing it. The main thing Tempermill has to offer is experience, and the ability to create a fantastic recording technically.”

Dave can put on his producer hat and walk an artist through the whole process from material to sound; depending upon what’s envisioned this could involve; for example, bringing in a session drummer. From a recording point of view he wants to get “your sound” right and provide expertise and a myriad of alternatives including that of equipment (take a look at the Tempermill website for available amps, mics, dynamics, effects, etc.).

“Typically, all the work here is obtained through word-of-mouth,” says Dave. He brings insight and contacts to the table; knowing stars, session players and DJs helps with not only what’s done now, but also with what’s next. He regularly records for radio; a couple of months ago he recorded an interview and sounds for airing on Rob Reinhart’s Essential Music segment with WDET radio; the artist was Kenny Wayne Sheppard, a blues guitarist performing to a sold-out Royal Oak Music Theater. Additionally at the Tempermill studios Mr. Feeny hosts a Basic Music Production class for DIME (Detroit Institute of Music Education), elaborating on what’s involved in various musical genres and the set-up and engineering involved. The digital world allows Tempermill to get stuff from all over the country and world. “Send me something, and I can add value,” says Dave.

“Meanwhile, today I’m recording an acoustic duo, tomorrow a jazz combo.” Here in Ferndale, where Dave also resides, one can arrange a tour or book the real deal studio time.

Visit the Tempermill at, or contact Dave Feeny via email, or, or phone 248-399-0550.

If slightly happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a cure. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states coupled to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

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Story by Carol Jackson
Photos by Bernie Lamframboise

Marian McClennan, Mayor of Oak Park, wants to be the most accessible, inclusive and best customer-service mayor to residents and businesses alike. And I do believe she is succeeding on all levels. She has the ability to bring people together, even with opposing views. I have known McClellan since she first ran for the office.

She was elected in 2011, 2013 and again in 2015. These last few years she has concentrated on working on savings for the City, budgets, and making sure that Oak Park will again be the shining star it once was. While we walked from lunch at Sahara to Plant Fitness, she was approached numerous times with great smiles and handshakes from residents. That’s what it’s all about, folks.

CJ: What is your background that lead you to politics?
MMM: Actually, I was a retired teacher and didn’t think that politics held any interest for me. Then I met and married the love of my life, Keith. He educated me with his knowledge and passion for politics. He taught me that you can’t make changes without getting involved. Keith ran the Robert Kennedy campaign in Indiana and, with that type of commitment, how could I not get interested in helping make change? I had looked at statistics about the lack of growth in Oak Park, my own community, and thought I could help. Frankly, I didn’t have a clue as to where to start, but – because of Keith – I had met many community leaders. My claim to fame was turning the Democratic Club into a finely-oiled machine (she laughs). I had a built-in audience, so when the topic of conversation was the decline of interest by businesses and real estate in my own Oak Park I took a big interest. They all encouraged me to run. “Are you nuts,” I said. “I have no experience in running a city.” They responded, “You’ll learn on the job just like all of those before you.”

At this time my son, Andy Meisner, was already involved in the political scene as a three-time state representative. He’s presently Oakland County Treasurer. So how could I go wrong? There would be haters and that is hard, but I was sure I could embrace them all and show them how fabulous our city could and would be again. During my time as Mayor of our now-vibrant city, I have been successful at surrounding myself with the professionals who have the passion and talent to work as a team and make it happen. Even in times that we don’t agree, we put aside our personal views and get it done for the good of the city we represent. Oak Park had many challenges when I was elected; so many hard decisions, police layoffs and a budget that was screaming “not balanced.” What a mess to walk into. But we got it done. We saved over $2 million dollars in health care costs by changing to a municipal plan. Our fabulous new building complex was completed early, saving enough money to replace our old DOS computers to new, upgraded computers that enhance our ability to serve our residents and businesses. We were also able to save $1 million taxpayer dollars by refinancing our street bonds. And that’s just to name a few accomplishments.

In the 1950s, Oak Park was the fastest-growing city in the country. Somehow we lost that momentum, but we are back! We developed an Economic Development Division, with an experienced Director, to get our business growth back on track. FedEx has taken over the old Armory building, all 300 thousand square feet, and will employ, to begin with, 200 employees. Projections are to get to 400 quickly. This brings tax revenues, jobs and other businesses and restaurants into town. And, speaking of restaurants, since we were able to vote-in first the tavern license and now the full liquor licenses, we are getting more interest in opening up great new eateries. A lot of the thanks for getting this voted-in should be given to Zeana Attisha from Sahara Restaurant. She worked against all odds but, with the support of the residents and City Council, got it done.

One new eatery will be on Eight Mile and Meyers (the site of the old WWJ radio station), a jewel of a building by architect Albert Kahn. It has just been waiting for the right situation and it has come in the body of Curt Catallo who owns Vinsetta Grill and other very successful restaurants in Clarkston. He has chosen to revitalize this great venue and make it a showplace. It will employ over 100 staff. He considers it a preservation project. And to add another great story, Planet Fitness will be opening their doors August 1st in the Parkwoods Plaza. The presence of Planet Fitness will increase traffic in the plaza and ultimately helps all the great retailers. It’s a win-win.

There are so many stories to tell. This will be the last one. We won a grant from a company in Portland Oregon that did a lot of research of our town. They traveled to Oak Park, and we won the study grant to see how we can enhance W Nine Mile. We call it the ‘Signs of Life’ project. Once our research is done on costs, etc., we will apply for the grant to start the project in earnest. Should you have a chance, drive down Oak Park Blvd. The residents, school children and staff planted 12,000 sunflowers up and down the street. Sunflowers represent HOPE – hope for the future of our fine city. So you can see why I am so proud to be the Mayor at such an exciting growth time in Oak Park. Come by and visit us at City Hall, enjoy our shops and eat in our restaurants, you won’t be disappointed I promise.

Mayor Marian McClellan, 14000 Oak Park Blvd Oak Park, MI 48237, Cell Phone 248-217-1883

If some happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this curing passes into breast milk.

Story By Jenn Goeddeke

Meeting with Dean Bach is a lot like reconnecting with a long-lost friend! Bach has the type of personality which sets people instantly at ease, and the conversation just flows freely. With an impressive resume filled with achievements, awards, and extensive charity work (also chairman of the Downtown Development Authority board of directors), it would be easy for Bach to adopt a lofty attitude, yet he is relaxed and very welcoming. In fact, the website slogan for Dino’s Lounge is: “Upscale Not Uptight!”

Running two busy restaurants is no doubt challenging at times, but Bach clearly loves what he is doing. Born in the heart of Detroit, Bach recalls that he always wanted to work in the restaurant business. As a youth, he ff14654_dean_barwould play bartender in his grandparents’ basement. Then, at age 15, his mom helped him to secure a job in the kitchen at Eastside Charlie’s. Bach later joined the military, but his dream was still to own his own restaurant some day.

In 1999, a close friend of Bach’s suggested they open a business together. The only condition was that it should be named “Dino’s,” as Bach had already become a popular bartender in the Metro Detroit area. Their search for a location spanned Detroit, Hamtramck and then Ferndale, where he often visited family. He recalls, “I knew the location had potential…that I could be part of the community and also help build it up further!”

Dreams became a reality, and now it has been over 16 years since Bach opened the iconic Dino’s Lounge on Woodward. And his other restaurant, M-Brew (at 177 Vester St.), will soon be celebrating its two-year anniversary. Both of Bach’s restaurants have distinct, friendly ambiences, and he works hard to keep his integrity and high standards. “I get along with the police, the DDA and other local business owners…I want to be a good role model, especially for others who are just getting started in the restaurant business. From the time I got started in business, around age 31, I have kept my nose clean!”

I was curious to know how M-Brew came to life. Bach explained, “As my catering business expanded, I needed more kitchen space. And so I would sometimes rent the kitchen at the VFW Hall. Then it was for sale! In ff14654_beerlistpurchasing the building, I promised I wouldn’t tear it down. Instead, I would fill a hole on the city, between Valentine’s Vodka and the neighborhood. It’s really a segue piece…I had a lot of fun with the design. I love being up North, so I went all “Petoskey” on it! I want it to be Fern-dale’s front porch, where folks can gather to talk about the latest news or go up with their kids to grab a meal.”

M-Brew certainly stands out- with its cedar walls, wood floors, corner fireplace, large basement arcade area and extensive outdoor seat-ing on the wrap-around balcony and patio. The vibe is cozy, classy and totally ff14654_videogamesMichigan-themed; a ski-lodge-feel bar/café, with 30+ MI craft beers and various MI sodas on offer, plus a full menu of course. There are some delicious ‘signature’ extras, such as the home-made pastries & pasties, and the brick-oven pizza!

Following the success in establishing M-Brew, Bach has been busy identifying other communi-ties where the downtown area can be connected with a restaurant to a residential neighborhood. He believes he has found another ideal location, but will not yet spill the beans. Suffice to say, Bach added with a smile, “…they are excited we ae coming to their town!”

M-Brew is open Monday – Thursday : 9a-11p; Friday – Saturday : 9a-1a; Sunday : 9a-9p.;

Dino’s is open Monday – Friday : 11a-2a; Saturday – Sunday : 8a-2a.;
248-591-3466 

If something happened with our heartiness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What folk talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you have to look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction switch on injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a state called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

0 1777

By Malissa Martin

Sometime being a teacher can take one away from your family, but in return teachers gain new family members with heir students and co-workers. After retiring, many teachers wonder what’s become of their students and counterparts.

Ron Schultz wondered exactly this when he retired from the Ferndale School District in 2003, so he founded the Ferndale Association of Retired Teachers (F.A.R.T.). The retired science specialist said the acronym F.A.R.T. came to him in the middle of the night.

When the group first began, it was four to five individuals meeting on a regular basis. After a few gatherings, Schultz took control and started inviting other Ferndale retired teachers to the meetings.

F.A.R.T. has since grown to 25 members and meets for breakfast on the first Friday of every month
at Apovini’s in Clawson. “The purpose of the group was really to create a time and a place where we could meet, stay in touch with each other, and preserve our professional friendships.” Schultz
says. “We also get to know each other in a personal way, outside of the work environment. We share
news with each other such as trips we’ve been on, something about our grandchildren. We might share things about book and movie recommendations that we’ve seen or read and just good conversation laced with a little gossip.”

The group also discusses past students and feeds off their success stories. “We always share any news we have about students and their families.” Schultz admits. “Students we may have had and the success of some kids. Somebody will always come in and say ‘Did you hear about so and so? Well, he graduated from such and such and he’s going to be a doctor.’ And it really makes you feel good.”

In some cases, Schultz himself runs into past students while running errands. “They pop up all over the place and you’re just so pleased to see they’re doing well and you bring that back and share it with everybody.” Schultz says.

Almost 80% of F.A.R.T. members are retired elementary and middle school teachers from the Ferndale School District. A lot of members have taught 25 to 35-plus years. Most retirees began teaching in Ferndale or taught the majority of their years in Ferndale. A few members taught the same families through three or more generations.

Several F.A.R.T. members know one another from working in the same building, district meetings, and school related events. New member Christine Sorowka said she heard stories about some members from students. “It has been wonderful for me because some of these teachers I didn’t know personally, or even professionally, but I would hear about them because the elementary schools fed into the middle schools. I would hear about Mr. Burke or Mrs. Grady and now I actually get to know the person and it’s just so nice and it’s a nice thing to do on Friday. You find out things about people you never knew.” Sorowka says.

Sorowka taught middle school and high school math in the Ferndale School District for 37 years.

Shultz and Sorowka confess they miss teaching, and say teaching has drastically changed from when they started. “I’m thankful that I’m out of it now because I can’t teach the way they would want me to teach now. I don’t think they are teaching. They’ve lost the idea that you need to inspire kids, motivate them, bring them to education, and make it something that they want to do. And that means you don’t start off with facts and figures. Education is really about motivating kids, inspiring them to want to learn, and then teaching them how to learn.” Schultz says.

F.A.R.T. members still go by the school schedule and take off summers. They even cancel breakfast if school is closed due to bad weather. In addition to professional networking, Schultz said the group provides encouragement and support to members when needed. They even pay their respects when retirees pass away by raising their glass for a toast in their honor.

When Schultz isn’t busy with F.A.R.T., he enjoys oil painting, nature photography and playing in his garden.

If something happened with our health, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states connected to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What people talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you should look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a status called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual disfunction. Even though this physic is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.

Story By Jill Hurst
Photos By Ed Abeska

Ferndale High School Principal Roger Smith met with me after a two-week vacation with his wife that started up in Niagara Falls and headed down the East Coast. Visiting old friends, meeting new family, seeing theater; a great trip, but Smith was happy to be home, smack in the middle of life at Ferndale High.

A “good kid” in high school, I never visited the principal’s office. The bench outside the office was reserved for serious troublemakers. Smith’s office? Different. But he is moving. Around the corner. Easier to get work done? Maybe.

Smith looks a touch wistful. “I love this office.” He’ll still be close to the day-to-day influx and close to the assistant principals. Smith speaks highly of both AP’s, Eric Bruner, who was Principal of Coolidge H.S. and Shaun Butler, also the Athletic Director. Smith describes them as “tremendous assets to the district and to this building.”

People stop by, including one of my favorites, Bill Good, Communications Director. I meet Superintendent Blake Prewitt. Smith re: Prewitt, “He is supportive, forward-thinking and fiscally sound.” A good collaborator.
Roger Smith grew up in Ferndale. “It’s a tremendous place to live and raise a family. A little jewel. It’s an area that is very inclusive and its diversity is something we all hang our hat on.” He attended Ferndale Public Schools (Roosevelt Elementary, Lincoln Jr. High). He graduated from Ferndale High School in 1974. He attended Wayne State University on a music scholarship, and earned a degree in music education.

At WSU, he met his wife Cecilia, also a musician and educator. She teaches K-5 music in Northville. Smith first taught at Avondale High School, followed by two years at Madison Jr. High School in Pontiac. In 1980, Ferndale High School was looking for a band director. Smith made it to second place. There was concern that, as a former student, he was too close to the school.

Three years later, the job opened up and this time he was hired. He rebuilt the band and orchestra programs, a “consuming commitment.” His two sons, now 26 and 29, both attended FHS and were in band and orchestra when Smith was the director. Problems there? “Not to my face. They might’ve taken some teasing. Hopefully it was good-natured.”

In the early 2000’s Smith attended Oakland University, to get a degree in Educational Leadership. “I was looking for a new way to help.” When Smith had the chance to move into administration, teachers who worked with Smith were ready to take over the music department. Elon Jamison became band director and Ben Moy took over as orchestra director.

The basic philosophy at FHS? “The Four Rs: Rigor of curriculum, relevance of what you’re teaching, relationships and resiliency.” Balance academia and human relationships. “We work hard on relationship-building. No matter what your job description here, I expect you to engage.”

Smith acknowledges the legacy of past principals at FHS, and predecessors Lisa Williams and Herb Ivory. “I’m just trying to keep the boat going with a few new initiatives.

How to help young people navigate through these challenging times, through a fraught election year?The election this year provides so much opportunity for teachers to be authentic in their teaching. History teachers, economics, English…everyone can draw on the election to make their teaching connect to what’s happening in the world today.

Sometimes kids need extra guidance to help them find that connection. There’s help available: The FHS counseling department, Ferndale Youth Assistance and the Southeast Oakland Coalition.

Also Peer Mentoring. Smith mentions “Challenge Day,” a nationwide event that teaches kids to communicate and hopefully understand that they’re not alone. Another program (Smith’s favorite), is an anti-bullying initiative called “Defeat the Label.” There is the Restorative Practices Justice Program, which cuts down on suspensions, as well as “Eagle Time,” giving 9th and 10th grade Math and English students, who are doing particularly well in class, weekly time with counselors to discuss college and career. Kids who are struggling get extra instruction time with the teacher.

There are also a wide variety of organizations and clubs available to give everyone a home base, including the Gay/Straight Alliance, Students Against Destructive Decisions, Girls Leading a Positive Movement, Spanish Club, Student Enterprise Theatre, Tuesday Night Singers, Black History Club, Art Club, Robotics, S.T.E.M. and many others.

And then, academics. “We have a variety of AP and Honors courses taught by highly effective teachers. Academia here is as strong as you’ll receive anywhere. I’m very proud of my teaching staff. Reading is Ground Zero. It’s all about reading.”

What are you reading, I ask? Smith goes out of the office, returns with his hard-cover copy of “Breaking the Line,” by Samuel G. Freedman. “It’s a little football-centric. Football and civil rights. A relevant book for our time.”

A program Smith spotlighted is the Baker Early College Program. While at Ferndale, students take a course of study in either criminal justice, business and marketing, computer programming or medical assistance. Then they attend Baker in their 13th year of school that actually gives the student the opportunity to earn a two-year Associate’s Degree in one year. At no cost to the student or family, this is an extraordinary opportunity.

A nice young woman comes in with a question; Tasha, a former probation officer who went back to school to get her masters in social work. Now working with Ferndale Youth Assistance, she counsels students and their families. Ferndale is such a diverse area, not only racially and culturally, but socioeconomically. “I can’t paint with a broad brush because every kid comes to us with their own experience. They have a lot going on in their lives, and quite often I hear adults say, “Wait until you get into the ‘real’ world.” This is their real world! It’s very, very real to them. We want them to feel safe here, emotionally and physically, help them find the wherewithal to keep going when things don’t make sense in their world or in their family relationships. We try to provide optimism and resiliency. A lot of kids have been given up on. It’s an ongoing struggle. Along the way, you might shake your head at them, but you don’t give up and eventually they find a connection.”

The secret to Roger Smith’s success, both as band director and principal? “I surround myself with people who are smarter than me. The staff are experts. My job is to provide resources to allow them to do what they do best. I put people where they are going to excel. I just try to stay out of their way.”

At the end of the day, this lifelong Ferndale guy and former Ferndale student loves his job. And that sets the tone for the staff and students at Ferndale High. Smith finished by saying, “One of the best parts of the job is seeing a kid who comes to high school with very low levels of maturity and self-confidence, and watch them develop into a strong, character-driven young man or young lady.” They are some of our most proud success stories.”

If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a medicament. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat emasculation and other states connected to erectile dysfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most substantial aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Causes of sexual malfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this therapy passes into breast milk.

0 1950

By Jenn Goeddeke

Exciting alternative treatment is available for children with ADD, ADHD, or for those on the autism spectrum. Neurofeedback is behavioral therapy, and does not involve administering any medication. In fact, most of the treatment is fun-based and even involves the child watching their favorite movies and playing video games (but not the type played at home). As a mother with a teenage son who was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, I fully understand the importance of effective and permanent treatment options.

Working at the cutting edge of this scientific-yet holistic- approach to attention deficit issues is Donald Magder, whom I recently met at his Royal Oak office. Magder is busy improving the lives of his clients with a series of 45-minute treatment sessions conducted over a 20-40 week timespan.

Neurofeedback (sometimes referred to as Neuro-biofeedback) has been around for over 50 years. It has become much more refined,and now is more widely available for use by licensed clinical psychologists, such as Magder. This form of treatment has been getting serious attention. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics ( described this technique as “the most efficacious” on their list of interventions to help children with ADD or ADHD. Neurofeed-back has also been featured on Dr.Phil, Oprah, and hundreds of news outlets around the world. In addition, the PGA and other professional sports organizations use the technique to improve concentration and performance in athletes.

So how does this treatment work? Initially, a map – called a “Qeeg” – is taken of the brain. This process is completely painless, as is every aspect of neurofeedback. Nineteen different areas of the brain are recorded electronically using small monitors which are part of a cap (resembling a show-er cap), fitted around the child’s head. This gives a detailed picture of how the child’s brain is communicating with itself, and a treatment plan is then formed based on how a normal brain should function). The brain waves of inattention and attention can be weakened or strengthened accordingly over time, a lot like weight training at a gym! Magder sometimes refers to it as “wait-train-ing” for the brain.

The ongoing treatment involves the child playing specifically devel oped video games and watching movies. Magder showed me a few of the training games he uses, which included ‘Midway Carnival’ and sports-related games, tailored for different age ranges. Magder monitors the brain wave pat-terns during these activities on his computer, and sounds and visual rewards are used for brain waves going in the right direction. The brain often gets over a thousand ‘re-wards’ in one session! In this gentle way, over the course of a few weeks, the brain is actually re-trained to permanently function in a more effective and balanced way. Magder likens the process to “…eavesdropping on our brainwaves…and being a neuron-nudger!”

The human brain is a remarkable learning machine, and various long-term studies have shown that once brain waves have improved, they do not need any more training. I read through a few testimonials and feedback sheets from The Brain Training Center clients, and they were certainly very favorable; according to their parents, the children being treated by Magder are developing significantly more self-regulating behaviors, both at home and at school. Only mild side-effects have ever been reported, after millions of treatments have been given over the past twenty years. These side-effects can include some fatigue, mild headache, or a slight temporary increase in hyperactivity. Effects dissipate after 24 hours.

Neurofeedback sessions need to be conducted twice a week for a few weeks, so clearly there is more ‘effort’ required than just taking a pill. However, the upside is a safe and long-lasting treatment, which is actually fun too!

Magder emphasizes that he keeps the treatment affordable, and works out options with lower-income clients or for those without health insurance (for children under 18, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance now covers the treatment in MI). He also offers a free, one hour initial consultation, to allow parents to make an informed decision regarding the potential benefits of neurofeedback for their child. Magder suggests that the summer vacation can be an optimal time for children to start the training.

Donald Magder can be reached at: 248.703.6943. The Royal Oak office is located at: 123 South Main Street, Suite 100.  Visit The Brain Training Center web-site for further information:


If something happened with our soundness, we believe there is a solution to any maladies in a preparation. What medicines do patients purchase online? Viagra which is used to treat impotency and other states coupled to erectile disfunction. Learn more about “sildenafil“. What men talk about “viagra stories“? The most essential aspect you must look for is “sildenafil citrate“. Such problems commonly signal other problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Causes of sexual dysfunction include injury to the penis. Chronic disease, several medicaments, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease can also cause sexual dysfunction. Even though this medicine is not for use in women, it is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk.